Photo Credit: ProFish-N-Sea Charters

Fishing Charters in Seward

Seward is a popular fishing destination for visitors and locals alike. The waters in the Gulf of Alaska offer excellent opportunities to catch Halibut, King Salmon and Silver Salmon. If you visit in August, you can even try your luck in the annual Silver Salmon Derby which offers a hefty cash prize for reeling in the tagged fish. Or, come earlier and participate in the Halibut Tournament which takes place in early June.

Fishing Charters can be half to full day affairs, and captains will do everything they can to help you catch your limit. Many will even recommend a local business who will pack and freeze your catch so you can take your prize home with you.

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Fishing Charters

Season: June—September $425+ per person 12 hrs

Icon­ic Alaskan fish­ing amid the stun­ning views of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park: Go angling out of Seward with the experts at Crazy Ray’s Adven­tures and expe­ri­ence this win­ning com­bi­na­tion for your­self. No expe­ri­ence necessary!

Season: May 1 - Sep 15 $375+ Full Day

Profish-n-sea Char­ters, out of Seward, offers salmon and hal­ibut fish­ing with friend­ly, expe­ri­enced Alaskan guides. Trips last a full day; you’ll motor 2 to 2.5 hours from Seward to the Gulf of Alas­ka, Mon­tague Island, and oth­er out­er-coast hotspots. Profish-n-Sea knows the three keys to catch­ing fish: boats, knowl­edge, and gear. That’s why the boats are always clean, the gear sharp, and the crew friend­ly, help­ful, and fun.

Season: May 11 - Sept 2 $325+ per person Full Day

When in Seward, head out on the water with Alas­ka North­ern Out­fit­ters on their com­fort­able 46-foot cata­ma­ran – the Sea Quest — for an epic day of fish­ing for hal­ibut, salmon, ling­cod, and rock­fish. It’s the only char­ter ves­sel in Seward with an upper view­ing deck. This lets you sight­see or have lunch on the upper deck while watch­ing the action below. . Inside you’ll find a large and heat­ed inte­ri­or, indoor seat­ing for every­one, tables, and  ...more

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