Alaska Camping: RV Parks & Campgrounds

RV Parks in Alaska

Strap on your seat belts: we’re about to show you over 400 RV Parks & Campgrounds around Alaska!

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Looking for an RV or Campervan?

See our list of recommended companies in Alaska.

Need a Tent and Other Camping Equipment?

Reach out to Alaska Outdoor Gear Outfitter & Rentals! They'll hook you up with complete rental packages for car camping, backpacking, or even accessories to put in your RV.

Guided Alaska Camping Trips

Join a guided camping trip with Infinite Adventures or Ascend Alaska! They offer 5 to 20-day itineraries covering the highlights throughout Alaska. Visit Kenai Fjords National Park, Denali National Park, and hidden gems in between.

Enjoy—and please share your feedback with us.

Need more help planning your RV trip? Check out this PDF for tips, itineraries, great campgrounds for hiking & fishing, and more!

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RV Parks & Campgrounds

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 Tent $30+, RV $70+

Ocean Shores offers amaz­ing views from all of its sites — plus, it’s warmer here than on the Homer Spit, since it’s not as windy. All sites have a pic­nic table and the side sites have fire pits. You’ll also find DirectTV, Wi-Fi, free show­ers as well as coin-oper­at­ed laundry.

Season: Year Round Call for rates

Camp in this beau­ti­ful, ameni­ty-rich camp­ground in the town of Palmer, 45 min­utes north of Anchor­age. You’ll find sites for tents and RVs (both back-ins and pull-throughs), as well as 4 cab­ins. There’s a cen­tral bath­house with show­ers and laundry.

Season: April 15 – Sept 29 Call for rates

Just 5 min­utes from down­town Seward is this full-ser­vice camp­ground set amid lush trees and tow­er­ing moun­tains, so close to Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er that you can hear it run by. Choose from one of the 68 sites or 4 cab­ins, and enjoy ameni­ties like a cen­tral bath­house, laun­dry, game room, and out­door games like mini golf, corn­hole, and two playgrounds.

One of Whittier’s true gems is hid­den in plain sight. The Head of the Bay is lit­er­al­ly that: Where the shim­mer­ing waters of Prince William Sound meet the shores of this charm­ing town — and it’s a beau­ti­ful spot to vis­it. Come with a pic­nic and take it all in as you relax. You’ll also find a met­al fire ring, per­fect for a sum­mer evening bon­fire. Want to camp there? It’s more pop­u­lar with those dri­ving RVs or camper­vans than tent campers.


The fam­i­ly-run Denali Griz­zly Bear Resort offers a vari­ety of accom­mo­da­tions, great ameni­ties, and amaz­ing views of moun­tains and the Nenana Riv­er. And its loca­tion, six miles south of the Denali Nation­al Park Vis­i­tors Cen­ter but out­side the main tourist area, means you’ll have easy park access with­out feel­ing crowd­ed. Choose from their hotel rooms, pri­vate cab­ins, or campground.

There’s noth­ing quite like camp­ing in the woods with the fam­i­ly when you’re a kid. The crack­ling camp­fire and gooey s’mores. Bik­ing around the camp­ground loop. Run­ning through the for­est and gath­er­ing wood. Catch­ing (and land­ing) that first fish. Here we offer details for nine great pub­lic fam­i­ly camp­grounds with­in a 90-minute dri­ve from Anchorage.

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 $55+

When you stay at the Anchor­age Ship Creek RV Park, you’re just a few blocks from the heart of down­town Anchor­age, but you also get to hang out right where the locals fish. The famed Ship Creek offers plen­ty of action for anglers, bird­ers and spectators.

Season: May 15–September 15 Call for rates

If you’re a camper, you’re famil­iar with the famous KOA brand. And the Fairbanks/​Chena Riv­er KOA — America’s north­ern­most KOA camp­ground — offers a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to camp along the shim­mer­ing Chena Riv­er, sur­round­ed by the lush Alaskan land­scape. Choose from 150 full hookup RV sites and 4 tent sites.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $79.95

170 site RV Park and Camp­ground on the banks of the Chena River

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 $45+

Nalu means wave” in Hawai­ian, and the Glac­i­er Nalu Camp­ground Resort com­bines the stun­ning scenery of Alas­ka with the relaxed atmos­phere of Hawaii. Whether you’re trav­el­ing by RV or tent camp­ing, this spa­cious, 12.5‑acre park — sur­round­ed by large spruce trees with a creek run­ning through it — is per­fect for cou­ples or fam­i­lies who want to expe­ri­ence out­door living.

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