Alaska Water Taxis

Your adventure should never stop when the road ends, especially in Alaska where so much of the state is ONLY accessibly by boat or plane.

How could you use a water taxi? Here's a few examples:

From Seward

Caine's Head: You could hike this trail the entire way on foot if you pay attention to the tides, but you can also get to Caine's Head by water taxi. During WWII, Caine's Head was the site of Fort McGilvray. It's now abandoned and you can explore the bunkers that once protected this waterway (tip, bring a flashlight!). Head out for a day hike, or rent one of the 2 state park cabins, Derby Cove and Callisto Canyon, and stay overnight. Contact Seward Ocean Excursions for a water taxi ride.

From Homer

  • Kachemak Bay State Park: 25 miles of trails wait to be explored just across the bay from Homer, Alaska. Hop on a water taxi and get dropped off at a trailhead. See all of the popular Kachemak Bay State Park trails here.
  • Seldovia: A small community across the bay from homer with boardwalks, a drowsy harbor, and streets that see more foot traffic than vehicles. Pack a picnic and spend the afternoon beach combing, hiking, or fishing.
  • Halibut Cove: A tiny island community of artists, craftspeople, and anglers. The trip over allows you to spot wildlife, and get close to a bustling bird sanctuary.

Skagway & Haines

The Haines Skagway Fast Ferry offers a 45-minute quick trip between the two towns. If you're taking an Alaska Inside Passage Cruise that only docks in Skagway, you can also spend some time in Haines. Or, if you're driving into one town, the fast ferry allows you to enjoy the other. Without the ferry, that would be a 7+ hour drive up into Canada and back down into Alaska!

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Seward & Kenai Fjords View All

Access public use cabins, hiking trails, kayak drop-offs and more
Season: Mid-May through mid-Sept $299 6.5-7 hrs

Inti­mate cata­ma­ran cruis­es into Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park from Seward for just 22 pas­sen­gers, or up to 30 on pri­vate char­ters. Cruise through Res­ur­rec­tion Bay, keep­ing an eye out for hump­back whales, orca whales (killer whales), puffins, Steller sea lions, Dall’s por­poise, har­bor seals, and a large vari­ety of bird species. Then make your way into the nation­al park, and stop at the face of a tide­wa­ter glac­i­er. You’ll enjoy a deli­cious lunch  ...more

Season: May - September $399+ 7 hours or multi-day

Sail into stun­ning Res­ur­rec­tion Bay dur­ing an inti­mate full-day or mul­ti-day cruise to see glac­i­ers and wildlife from Seward, Alas­ka. This 38-foot-long cata­ma­ran is per­fect for explor­ing the shim­mer­ing waters of Res­ur­rec­tion Bay. In an inti­mate group of no more than 6 guests, you can relax on board or sit out on the catamaran’s net­ting. And because the boat car­ries 4 tan­dem kayaks, you can pad­dle out onto the waters and get even clos­er to nature.  ...more

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Homer View All

Visit Kachemak Bay State Park, Seldovia, Halibut Cove & more

Season: May - September $100+ 2 hrs - Full Day

Whether you’d like to go on a per­son­al­ized boat tour of the Homer area or take a water taxi to the Alaskan back­coun­try, Homer is an ide­al place to launch from, and Cold­wa­ter has the boats and exper­tise to get you there. Explore places like Kachemak Bay State Park, the small town of Sel­dovia, and pic­turesque Hal­ibut Cove.

Season: Mid April to September $265+ 3/4 to Full Day Excursions

Homer is the hal­ibut cap­i­tal of Alas­ka, and this long­time char­ter com­pa­ny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qual­i­ty boats, expe­ri­enced cap­tains, and enthu­si­as­tic crews — as well as an inside line on find­ing hal­ibut, rock fish and sil­ver salmon. But they also offer a vari­ety of oth­er ways to enjoy the waters off Kachemak Bay, from wildlife cruis­ing to pad­dling a kayak or hik­ing in Kachemak Bay State Park. 

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Skagway View All

Transportation between Haines & Skagway via the Fast Ferry

Oper­at­ing from May to Sep­tem­ber, this pri­vate fer­ry ser­vice is the eas­i­est and fastest way to trav­el between Haines and Skag­way. The 45-minute ride pass­es through Taiya Inlet, a steep-walled rocky fjord just out­side of Skag­way, and then opens up to the Lynn Canal near Haines. As you ride, look for seals and sea lions, as well as hump­back, minke, and orca whales. Don’t for­get to look up from the water from time to time to check out the  ...more

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Russian River

Takes you across the Kenai River to the mouth of the famed Russian River for some of the best fishing in Alaska

If you like to fish, you’ve come to the right place. This is the Kenai/​Russian Riv­er Access and Sports­man­’s Access Site (ADF&G) and the Kenai-Russ­ian Riv­er Fer­ry. The fer­ry takes you across the Kenai Riv­er to the mouth of the famed Russ­ian Riv­er for some of the best fish­ing in Alaska.

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"haines","title":"Haines"}]