Photo Credit: Rainforest Sanctuary, Totem Park, & Eagles

Alaska Walking Tours

A quick stroll with a lot of depth: A walking tour is the perfect way to fill the space between larger adventures, and an even greater way to stretch your legs after the long flight to Alaska. Whether you're exploring a section of downtown, a park, or a monument, these tours help you acquaint yourself with the area—and collect tips for other museums, restaurants, and local shops you’ll want to visit.

Talkeetna View All

Tour a farm • learn how birch syrup is made • Visit a brewery


McCarthy-Kennicott View All

Walk through abandoned buildings and hear what life was like during one of the richest copper strikes in history

Season: May 23 – Sep 7 $34 2 hrs

The wilder­ness town of Ken­necott — once home to a bustling min­ing oper­a­tion — was sud­den­ly aban­doned in 1938 when the Ken­necott Cop­per Cor­po­ra­tion ceased oper­a­tions. Now you can tour the ghost town with an expert: St. Elias Alpine Guides was grant­ed spe­cial per­mis­sion as the only con­ces­sion­aire with the Nation­al Park Ser­vice to take trav­el­ers not only around the town, but also inside the buildings.

This aban­doned cop­per min­ing camp is a Nation­al His­toric Land­mark Dis­trict. Estab­lished in 1903, Ken­necott Min­ing Cor­po­ra­tion oper­at­ed 5 mines in the area. Ken­necott became a bustling min­ing camp filled with min­ers and their fam­i­lies. By 1938, Ken­necott was a ghost town. This guide shows the self-guid­ed walk­ing tour points.


Fairbanks View All

In recent years, pub­lic art has explod­ed with­in the urban heart of Alas­ka. On this tour, you’ll vis­it thir­teen vent pipes that stand adja­cent to the streets and side­walks of down­town and pro­vide fresh air intake for the under­ground utilidor.

Walk through a series of his­tor­i­cal build­ings, some now occu­pied by shops and restaurants

41 Places To See Fair­banks’ Past

See His­toric Homes From Before Statehood


Skagway View All

Bring the spir­it of the Gold Rush to life with’s exclu­sive Skag­way Audio Guide, nar­rat­ed by one of Skag­ways’ favorite sons, Buck­wheat Don­ahue, a cap­ti­vat­ing sto­ry­teller, enter­tain­er, his­to­ri­an, and adventurer.

Step back in time and explore his­toric Skag­way using our detailed walk­ing tour.


Anchorage View All

The City of Anchor­age may be rel­a­tive­ly young, but it has a sto­ried his­to­ry that is rich enough to keep you cap­ti­vat­ed for hours. And who bet­ter to recount some of the high­lights than four for­mer may­ors who were there when they hap­pened? Among oth­er things, you’ll hear about Anchorage’s wilder days, what the 1964 earth­quake was real­ly like, how oil mon­ey helped shape many facets of mod­ern life, and Alaska’s lit­tle-known 911 scare.

Season: Year Round $140+ 3-8 hrs

Get to know Alas­ka in a tru­ly authen­tic way — through its unique cui­sine. On this walk­ing food tour, you’ll sam­ple fla­vors as you explore Anchor­age and hear sto­ries of the 49th state.

Lake Hood is the busiest sea­plane base in the world with 200 dai­ly oper­a­tions (take­offs and land­ings). If you’re stay­ing at a hotel near the Anchor­age air­port, this is the best place for a near­by walk. Our walk­ing tour high­lights the most inter­est­ing view­points, his­tor­i­cal fea­tures, and insights into the avi­a­tion activ­i­ties going on around the lake.

So don’t just stroll through town — take the offi­cial tour, brought to you by long­time res­i­dent experts: Alas​ka​.org and the Anchor­age Con­ven­tion & Vis­i­tors Bureau.


Juneau View All

Season: Museum: Year-Round, Walking Tours: May - September $7 admission only | $31.50 walking tours (includes admission)

This muse­um sits on the site where Alas­ka offi­cial­ly became a state. View the exhibits and watch an award-win­ning doc­u­men­tary about the city. Plus, the City Muse­um doesn’t end at the building’s walls. From May to Sep­tem­ber, you can take walk­ing tours of his­toric down­town Juneau and the Alas­ka State Capitol.


Seward View All

Explore at your own pace on a self-guided walking tour

The beau­ti­ful sea­side town of Seward was offi­cial­ly des­ig­nat­ed, Mur­al Cap­i­tal of Alas­ka” in 2008 at the com­ple­tion of the town’s 12th col­or­ful mur­al. This achieve­ment result­ed from the enthu­si­asm and ener­gy of a group of local artists and art lovers who began vol­un­teer­ing their tal­ents in 1999 to paint the town!

Take a walk through Seward’s rich his­to­ry with Seward his­to­ri­an Doug Capra. From the lit­tle-known Russ­ian colony, to Seward’s boom as the south­ern ter­mi­nus of the Alas­ka Rail­road, this audio guide will inform and enter­tain you with sto­ries of Seward’s col­or­ful characters.

[{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"fairbanks","title":"Fairbanks"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]

Utqiagvik (Barrow) View All

Hous­es exhibits, arti­fact col­lec­tions, library, gift shop, and a tra­di­tion­al room where peo­ple can demon­strate and teach tra­di­tion­al crafts in Elders-in-Res­i­dence and Artists-in-Res­i­dence pro­grams. As an affli­at­ed Nation­al Park, the North Slope Bor­ough owns and man­ages the Inu­pi­at Her­itage Center.

[{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"fairbanks","title":"Fairbanks"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"utqiagvik","title":"Utqiagvik"}]

Sitka View All

Season: Last weekend of April first week of October $49+ 1-3 hrs

Take the tour of a life­time around the quaint town of Sit­ka with Sit­ka Walk­ing Tours. They offer hik­ing, walk­ing or dri­ving tours. Explore the his­toric Russ­ian down­town, the rain­for­est, and the scenic areas around town — you can even take a pho­tog­ra­phy-focused dri­ving tour. The 1- to 3‑hour tours are per­fect for those who want to expe­ri­ence Sit­ka like a local, in acces­si­ble tours led by local Sitkan guides.

[{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"fairbanks","title":"Fairbanks"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"utqiagvik","title":"Utqiagvik"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"}]