Photo Credit: Alyeska Resort Aerial Tramway

Alaska Trams

You get all of the views, but none of the sweat. Tramways are an excellent choice for anyone who doesn’t have the time (or just the calf muscles) to hike up a mountain, but still wants to enjoy those amazing mountaintop views. Alaska only has two tramways, but they’re both pretty popular—and they're convenient for anyone doing either a cruise or a land package. One tramway is in Girdwood, a short 45-minute drive south from Anchorage, and the other is in Juneau, a stop along most cruise-ship routes.

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Season: May 21 - Sep 20 $48

The Alyeska Resort’s Aer­i­al Tramway is a sev­en-minute ride that lifts you to a view­ing deck with breath­tak­ing panoram­ic views of moun­tains, hang­ing glac­i­ers, streams, spruce, and an array of wildlife. Enjoy a relaxed mid­day pic­nic or beau­ti­ful evening sun­set on Mt. Alyeska’s obser­va­tion deck, more than 2,000 feet above sea lev­el. Tele­scopes inten­si­fy what Conde Nast Trav­el­er Mag­a­zine rat­ed the best view of any U.S. ski resort. Go exploring,  ...more

Season: May - September $60

Take a five-minute ride from the cruise ship pier to the Moun­tain House,1,800′ up Mount Roberts, where the Chilkat Moun­tains, the Gastineau Chan­nel, down­town Juneau, Dou­glas Island, and Admi­ral­ty Island spread out before you. Vis­it the gift shop, restau­rant, live bald eagle dis­play, and nature cen­ter. Check out the wildlife view­ing plat­forms and fol­low the self-guid­ed trail marked by Native totemic carv­ings for access to upper alpine hiking  ...more
