Photo Credit: Snorkel Alaska

Alaska Snorkel Tours

Discover the unexpected adventure of snorkeling in Alaska! Ketchikan’s waters provide an excellent opportunity for a thrilling snorkeling tour, where you can encounter fascinating sea creatures like sea urchins, crabs, and even humpback whales.

Snorkel Tours

Season: May 1 - Sep 26 $179.99 3 hrs

Don a wet­suit, mask, fins and snorkel and get an up-close look at the unique sea crea­tures of the 49th state: urchins, sea stars, crabs, sea cucum­bers, and…what’s that…a hump­back whale swim­ming near­by?! This is the mag­ic of snor­kel­ing in Alas­ka — a sin­gu­lar expe­ri­ence that you can only do in the waters around Ketchikan. No expe­ri­ence? No problem.

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