Photo Credit: Alaskan Luxury Cruises

Alaska Sailing & Private Yacht Charters

An Alaskan cruise is an iconic way to see the state, but few visitors realize they can charter a smaller vessel for a custom adventure. Under the guidance of an expert crew, you can explore breathtaking settings such as Glacier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, and Prince William Sound by private boat, sailboat or yacht.


Chartering a small vessel may seem expensive. But it can be comparable once you add up the cost for transportation, lodging, meals and sightseeing excursions that you would otherwise spend for your entire party. Being able to settle into one stateroom for a few days also adds to the relaxing nature of your trip.

The Luxury of Time

Go for just a night – or extend up to two weeks, with options to fit any itinerary. A multi-day journey gives your captains time to customize to your individual preferences and adjust schedules based on weather and other factors. Explore magical coves, hang out for longer as whales breach, fish for wild salmon and halibut, kayak with otters, or set anchor for a walk along a secluded beach – all without having to get back to port right away.

Small Groups Create Meaningful Experiences

Charter vessels vary in number of guests – from two to twelve. Some cater only to private groups (book the boat and it’s yours!), while others have separate staterooms and can take multiple parties (get to know fellow travelers!). Whatever your choice, small boats offer a more private experience, personalized attention and a chance to take in Alaska with a cadre of friends or family. For many, the camaraderie that forms among guests and crew is the highlight of the journey. (If you have a group larger than six, check out the in-between size: Small Ship Adventure Cruises that can accommodate between 12 and 86 passengers.)

Balancing Your Group’s Interests

Someone wants to fish, someone wants to kayak and someone else wants an extra nap. How to manage it all? When a small yacht is your home for a week, it’s easier to accommodate varied preferences so everyone is happy.

Check out these charter operators to review your options – from sailboats to yachts, all ready to show off Alaska’s beautiful and enchanting coastal wonders.

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Sailing & Private Yacht Charters

Expedition Charters

8 Passengers • Photography Focus • Charter whole boat or with other guests
Season: June -  September $6,252+ per person 6 nights

Immerse your­self in a mul­ti-day Alaskan adven­ture that promis­es incred­i­ble views and jaw-drop­ping bear view­ing in Kat­mai Nation­al Park, along with a warm cama­raderie that only a small group expe­di­tion can cre­ate. Explore from your home base on the Island C, a research ves­sel that gets you close to the action while pro­vid­ing com­fort­able lodg­ing and deli­cious meals.


Large Charters

12 - 86 passengers • Sample Itineraries • Contact directly for private charter
Season: June - Sept $16,000+ 2+ Nights 4-5 hr & 2+ Nights

Bear Paw Char­ters offers pri­vate, all-inclu­sive day trips and longer tours on its lux­u­ry yacht — per­fect for whale watch­ing, bear view­ing, and expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s scenic majesty.

From $4,450+
5 to 7 Days
Ports of Call: Anchorage, Whittier
Cruise Ship Type: Small Ship Cruises
Ship Name: Discovery

Our Clas­sic Dis­cov­ery Voy­age is the per­fect wilder­ness sam­pler. We take in the most spec­tac­tu­lar sights of Prince William Sound — moun­tains, fjords, glac­i­ers and wildlife — with the num­ber of dai­ly excur­sions (ashore or by kayak) tai­lored to the inter­ests and activ­i­ty lev­el of the group.

Season: May - September
8 Days / 7 Nights
Ports of Call: Juneau, Glacier Bay National Park, Hoonah / Icy Strait, Sitka
Cruise Ship Type: Small Ship Cruises
Ship Name: Safari Endeavour

Start your wilder­ness jour­ney in Juneau, the state capi­tol of Alas­ka, and end in Sit­ka, the per­fect spot to view the meld­ing of Russ­ian and Alas­ka Native cul­tures. In between, vis­it Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park, go bird watch­ing on South Mar­ble Island, look for whales in Icy Strait, hike along inter­tidal zones, and when your cap­tain sets the course for adven­ture, slip into your kayak or skiff for a day of guid­ed explo­ration. (Itin­er­ary also  ...more

Season: May - September
$5,990+ (Inside Passage $2,400+)
5 days / 4 nights
Cruise Ship Type: Small Ship Cruises
Ship Name: M/V Sea Star

Set sail for 5 days and 4 nights with the crew of the M/V Sea Star for small ship adven­ture cruis­ing in Prince William Sound, Kenai Penin­su­la or along the Inside Pas­sage. The well-appoint­ed yacht accom­mo­dates just 12 guests, allow­ing for a per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence where you are the explor­er! Unplug from day-to-day life and soak up the won­ders of Alaska’s amaz­ing coast­line. All meals pre­pared by an on-board chef and fea­tur­ing fresh local  ...more

[{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]


6 maximum passengers
Season: May 1 - September 1 Custom Trips, Call for Quote 3 - 21 Days

Dis­cov­er South­east Alaska’s nat­ur­al won­ders aboard a char­tered sail­boat with Sail­ing Alas­ka. Cus­tomize your pri­vate expe­di­tion with expe­ri­enced cap­tain John Joeright and enjoy all-inclu­sive meals, com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions, and end­less adven­tures on the 46-foot S/V Sham­rock. Watch whales, hike, fish, vis­it local com­mu­ni­ties, and more — all at your own pace.

Season: June - September $2,666+ per cabin (double occupancy) 3+ nights

You’ll spend either 4 or 7 days sail­ing around Lake Clark, expe­ri­enc­ing all the nat­ur­al majesty this nation­al park has to offer, with its many crag­gy moun­tains set close to the water. Anchor each night in a new loca­tion. Look for wildlife, hike, explore with kayaks and pad­dle­boards, and enjoy bon­fires on the beach. 

3.5 Hr Day Sail, $850 up to 6 people | $3400+ Multi-day 3.5 Hour Day Sail to Multi-Day

Char­ter a sail­boat out of Seward and hit the waters of gor­geous Res­ur­rec­tion Bay! Choose an after­noon tour if you’re just in Seward for the day, or opt for a mul­ti-day cruise. Your char­ter comes with a sea­soned cap­tain, or expe­ri­enced sailors can rent the boat and take the helm them­selves. Sur­round­ed by moun­tains, the bay offers ide­al sail­ing con­di­tions, and you’ll have plen­ty of chances to see wildlife and glaciers.

[{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Private Yacht Charters

4-10 maximum passengers

Season: May 1–Sept 30 $300 4 hrs / $7,500+ 2+ days 4 hrs - 3+ days

Set sail on a lux­u­ri­ous 70-ft yacht out of Homer for 3+ days of fish­ing, hik­ing, kayak­ing, and wildlife view­ing while indulging in mass amounts of seafood. Your itin­er­ary will depend on the inter­ests of the group, and the expe­ri­enced local crew can ful­fill those interests.

Season: May to mid-September 7 days / 6 nights

Explore Alas­ka by char­ter­ing the 90-foot yacht Alaskan Sto­ry, out of Juneau. It’s the per­fect way to see some of the state’s most stun­ning­ly beau­ti­ful areas, like Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park, and enjoy lots of oppor­tu­ni­ties for fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and wildlife view­ing along the way.

Season: May 15 to Sep 15
Call for Quote
Cruise Ship Type: Small Ship Cruises
Ship Name: The Sea Mist

Design your exclu­sive itin­er­ary then set sail into the vast open waters and wildlife-rich shore­lines of Prince William Sound aboard your own spa­cious and pri­vate yacht. Up to six pas­sen­gers can sit back, relax, and expe­ri­ence an inti­mate tour. Most guests enjoy the 5‑day/​4‑night trips, but you can book longer 10-day/9‑night expeditions.

Season: May 1 - Sept 15 $35,568+ Four-day, four-night all-inclusive

Char­ter their pri­vate, live-aboard, 60’ yacht. Wake up each day in the mid­dle of untouched wilder­ness and go sea kayak­ing, hike through bore­al forests, fish for tro­phy hal­ibut and salmon, or spend a qui­et day on the water pho­tograph­ing wildlife

Season: May 1–September 30 $32,000 per week for up to 4 people 7 days

Embark on an unfor­get­table, week-long Alaskan adven­ture through south­east Alas­ka aboard a 58-foot char­ter yacht that departs from stun­ning Prince of Wales Island. Up to 6 peo­ple can join this immer­sive wilder­ness expe­ri­ence, where you’ll see Alas­ka in a unique and authen­tic way by fish­ing, hik­ing, kayak­ing, see­ing wildlife, and learn­ing about local culture. 

Season: Mid-May through early September Day to Multi-day

Hit the fish-rich waters of Alas­ka on this unfor­get­table fish­ing char­ter aboard a pri­vate yacht. Head out from Juneau for a mul­ti-day expe­di­tion that’s per­fect for every­one from begin­ners to hard­core anglers, as well as any­one who wants to join the adven­ture! Fish, kayak, take the zodi­ac ashore for excur­sions, stop in the small towns of Elfin Cove and Hoonah, and fish the Gulf of Alaska.

[{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"ketchikan","title":"4 Days in Ketchikan"}]