Alaska Fishing Charters & Day Trips
Think king salmon. Picture enormous halibut. Alaska Fishing is unlike anywhere else-you'll throw back fish up here that would be trophies elsewhere. It's easy, affordable, and takes only a few hours. With 34,000 miles of coastline and countless pristine lakes and rivers, Alaska fishing is something you can fit in anywhere on your itinerary.
Are you someone who's never fished before? A serious angler wanting a week at an exclusive backcountry fishing lodge? A casual caster after a day of reeling on your own? No matter what your interest, Halibut, Salmon, remote Alaska fishing lodges for your dream Alaska vacation, we'll show you how and where to do it. Let's go fishing.
You'll likely be going after the Big Two: salmon and halibut. The five species of salmon range from pan-size to nearly 100 pounds, while halibut can weigh hundreds of pounds. Getting your catch home may be easier than reeling it in: most charters offer filleting, freezing and shipping. Those charters may be on the wide open ocean (which can be a bumpy ride) or a river. Either way you won't need experience or equipment: top-flight guides offer up all the tackle and instruction you need.
Alaska guides vastly simplify your logistics and halve the time it takes to catch a fish. But they're not required. If you have initiative and good timing, you can rent a rod and reel and find great fishing as close as downtown Anchorage! Urban fishing usually means bumping elbows with other anglers, though.
If it's your dream to fish in the middle of nowhere, consider a fly-in trip, which gets you beyond the reach of roads and most other anglers. You may even share a wilderness stream with bears and eagles.
Our complete guide will help you make all these choices, then help you find the perfect trip to make your Alaskan fishing dream a reality.
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Fishing Charters
Talkeetna View All
Cast for SilÂvers, Chums, Pinks, and SockÂeyes on a guidÂed fishÂing charÂter
Fish more of the hot spots with PhanÂtom CharÂters, a famÂiÂly comÂpaÂny run by folks who live to fish and bring a lifeÂtime of insidÂer knowlÂedge to your trip. Using speÂcial, shalÂlow-runÂning boats to get into hard-to-reach waters, they’ll take you to best rivÂer fishÂing around TalÂkeetÂna. WanÂder the bank and cast for SilÂvers, Chums, Pinks, and SockÂeyes, or troll from behind the boat as well as shore fish for the Big Kings.
Join Dave Fish AlasÂka on a priÂvate fishÂing excurÂsion in TalÂkeetÂna. Choose from a variÂety of transÂportaÂtion options and fish for Alaska’s iconÂic species with the help of our expeÂriÂenced guides. No expeÂriÂence is necÂesÂsary, all levÂels are welcome.
Kenai / Soldotna View All
Fish out of a lodge, take a charÂter, or cast your line on the famous Kenai River
Where can you find the biggest salmon, on averÂage, in the entire world? In the Kenai RivÂer. And The RivÂer Crew, based in SolÂdotÂna, can take you to some secret spots on the famous rivÂer to fish for salmon and trout — whether you’re an expeÂriÂenced angler or not.
Anchorage View All
Catch some salmon, try out fly fishing, or enjoy a fly-in fishing tour
Just a 1‑hour driÂve from AnchorÂage, WhitÂtiÂer is the closÂest town to expeÂriÂence the thrill of fishÂing for halÂibut. Go with the proÂfesÂsionÂal guides at Crazy Ray’s AdvenÂtures and you can also angle for salmon and rockÂfish on comÂfortÂable boats, surÂroundÂed by the jaw-dropÂping scenery of Prince William Sound. No expeÂriÂence necessary!
Go fishÂing right in AnchorÂage – whether you have only have a few hours or a full day. Rent a gear packÂage and fish on your own. Or, hire one of our local guides to take you on a guidÂed tour to land your dream catch. You can also buy bait and fishÂing licenses.
ExplorÂing Alaska’s backÂcounÂtry lakes, forests and rivers is a pheÂnomÂeÂnal expeÂriÂence. WilderÂness Place Lodge — tucked away on a remote rivÂer northÂwest of AnchorÂage — offers excelÂlent access to nearÂly any freshÂwaÂter fish you came to AlasÂka for, along with a unique eco-travÂel expeÂriÂence that comes with a high levÂel of serÂvice, a variÂety of non-fishÂing activÂiÂties and the melÂlow freeÂdom to creÂate an Alaskan expeÂriÂence that suits your own taste.
There’s nothÂing quite like the thrill of catchÂing an iconÂic Alaskan fish like salmon or halÂibut. And when you take an intiÂmate half- or full-day trip with the pasÂsionÂate anglers at AlasÂka OutÂdoors AddicÂtion out of AnchorÂage, you’ll cast your line amid incredÂiÂble scenery on an expeÂdiÂtion that’s careÂfulÂly catered to your interÂests. Rent the entire boat or come as a shared guest; either way, it will be a magÂiÂcal expeÂriÂence that’s perÂfect for both ...more
Since 1963, Rust’s has been safeÂly carÂryÂing anglers far away from the crowds. ExpeÂriÂenced guides lead you to world-class fishÂing for kings, silÂvers, grayling, and trout in some of Alaska’s most beauÂtiÂful and remote wilderÂness — and they’ll clean and packÂage your catch for the trip back to AnchorÂage. On the way, enjoy a winÂdow-seat view and pilot narration.
The NorthÂwoods Lodge is a remote lodge where visÂiÂtors can find themÂselves in a 45 minute flight from AnchorÂage. The lodge speÂcialÂizes in guidÂed fishÂing, and guests can enjoy 8 to 10 hours of fishÂing a day if they choose. Guides help you spin or fly fish for troÂphy king salmon, silÂver and sockÂeye salmon, or resÂiÂdent rainÂbow trout, arcÂtic grayling and northÂern pike
Take a fly-in salmon or trout-fishÂing trip out of AnchorÂage with Regal Air to enjoy world-class fishÂing in prisÂtine, remote rivers. Regal Air teams up with wilderÂness lodges and guidÂing serÂvices and can set you up with anyÂthing from lunch to gear. They’ll even teach you how to cast. You’ll get the ultiÂmate AlasÂka flyÂing expeÂriÂence, takÂing off and landÂing in a float plane, and soarÂing over big, braidÂed glacÂiÂer rivÂer valÂleys and endÂless forests. ...more
You don’t need to be an expert or a HolÂlyÂwood star to enjoy fly-out fishÂing in the wilds of AlasÂka. Trail Ridge Air offers guidÂed, non-guidÂed and cusÂtom trips, getÂting you into creeks and lakes where you can catch not only fish, but also a great Alaskan fish tale of your very own.
Ketchikan View All
Visit this busy fishing port for some excellent salmon and halibut fishing
Ketchikan — the salmon fishÂing capÂiÂtal of the world — was made for fishÂing. And Salmon Falls Resort has made it easy to expeÂriÂence this iconÂic Alaskan activÂiÂty with a full or half-day of unforÂgetÂtable angling. Whether you’re stopÂping for the day in Ketchikan on a cruise ship or already in town and lookÂing for a great one-day outÂing, this is for you.
BaraÂnof FishÂing ExcurÂsions offers clasÂsic AlasÂka fishÂing expeÂriÂences from their priÂvate mariÂna in downÂtown Ketchikan. They proÂvide everyÂthing you need from rubÂber boots to expert guides, for an extraÂorÂdiÂnary fishÂing adventure!
Ketchikan is known as the ​“salmon capÂiÂtal of the world,” and this uniqueÂly perÂsonÂal tour is your chance to angle for these iconÂic Alaskan fish — as well as huge halÂibut. You’ll board an intiÂmate fishÂing boat — comÂplete with top-qualÂiÂty fishÂing and rain gear, as well as heaters, snacks, and bevÂerÂages — close to the Ketchikan cruise terÂmiÂnal. And, since this is a priÂvate charÂter, it will be only your group on board!
From cruise ship excurÂsions to all-day fishÂing trips, Ketchikan’s Finest FishÂing CharÂters proÂvides top-notch equipÂment and a cusÂtomized approach to make your trip an advenÂture to rememÂber. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife and be ready for a fishÂing expeÂriÂence like no other!
Cooper Landing View All
Enjoy fishing for salmon in the Cooper Landing area, a favorite among locals
FoundÂed in 1974, AlasÂka Rivers ComÂpaÂny offers excepÂtionÂal fishÂing expeÂriÂences on the Kenai RivÂer. Whether you choose a half-day or full-day tour, you’ll fish in prisÂtine waters withÂin the Kenai NationÂal Wildlife Refuge. The guides are expeÂriÂenced and welÂcomÂing, ensurÂing an enjoyÂable trip for anglers of all levÂels. Enjoy breathÂtakÂing views of the Kenai MounÂtains and Chugach NationÂal ForÂest, while fishÂing for RainÂbow trout, DolÂly VarÂden, and… ...more
Angle for Alaska’s most iconÂic fish: salmon (king, sockÂeye, silÂver) and trout on a half, three-quarÂters, or full day fishÂing charÂter from CoopÂer LandÂing, just 2 hours south of AnchorÂage on the Kenai PeninÂsuÂla. Led by expert guides, you’ll fish with all top-qualÂiÂty gear proÂvidÂed and can even ship your catch home with you as a souÂvenir. OwnÂer David Lisi works with elite guides and will handÂpick the one that will be the best fit for your group. ...more
FishÂing the Kenai PeninÂsuÂla is pretÂty much the ultiÂmate for fishÂerÂmen the world over, and with AlasÂka RivÂer AdvenÂtures, even beginÂners do well. This area is famous for salmon (Kings, reds and silÂvers), rainÂbow trout, and DolÂly VarÂden, which AlasÂka RivÂer AdvenÂtures can help you find in the amazÂing green of the Kenai RivÂer and othÂer points along the PeninÂsuÂla. AlasÂka RivÂer AdvenÂture guides have been fishÂing these waters for years. They’re patient ...more
Where will you find Alaska’s best salmon fishÂing? The Kenai PeninÂsuÂla is hard to beat. AlasÂka WildÂland AdvenÂtures (AWA) has speÂcialÂized in fishÂing the Upper Kenai RivÂer between Kenai and SkiÂlak Lakes since 1977. Their proÂfesÂsionÂal guides are experts in fly-fishÂing, drift fishÂing, and back trolling, so you can fish from the boat, the bank, or both. Expect an excitÂing day of fishÂing for salmon (red, silÂver, or king dependÂing on the seaÂson), as ...more
Seward View All
Head out onto the waters around Seward for some world-class salmon and halÂibut fishing
Profish-n-sea CharÂters, out of Seward, offers salmon and halÂibut fishÂing with friendÂly, expeÂriÂenced Alaskan guides. Trips last a full day; you’ll motor 2 to 2.5 hours from Seward to the Gulf of AlasÂka, MonÂtague Island, and othÂer outÂer-coast hotspots. Profish-n-Sea knows the three keys to catchÂing fish: boats, knowlÂedge, and gear. That’s why the boats are always clean, the gear sharp, and the crew friendÂly, helpÂful, and fun.
IconÂic Alaskan fishÂing amid the stunÂning views of Kenai Fjords NationÂal Park: Go angling out of Seward with the experts at Crazy Ray’s AdvenÂtures and expeÂriÂence this winÂning comÂbiÂnaÂtion for yourÂself. No expeÂriÂence necessary!
When in Seward, head out on the water with AlasÂka NorthÂern OutÂfitÂters on their comÂfortÂable 46-foot cataÂmaÂran – the Sea Quest — for an epic day of fishÂing for halÂibut, salmon, lingÂcod, and rockÂfish. It’s the only charÂter vesÂsel in Seward with an upper viewÂing deck. This lets you sightÂsee or have lunch on the upper deck while watchÂing the action below. . Inside you’ll find a large and heatÂed inteÂriÂor, indoor seatÂing for everyÂone, tables, and ...more
Sitka View All
SitÂka ExpeÂdiÂtions offers 6‑hour outÂings, but can cusÂtomize the tour to your cruise schedÂule. Fish, take in the mounÂtain views, and look for wildlife. The unique ecosysÂtem of the SitÂka area attracts tons of fish. And, the company’s ownÂers were both born and raised in SitÂka and have been fishÂing these waters their whole lives. They have inside scoop on the best spots to cast your line!
Copper Center
Fish for kings, sockeye, trout, or Arctic grayling away from the crowds
ExpeÂriÂence a full- or half-day sport-fishÂing trip the way it was meant to be: with a relaxÂing visÂit to an uncrowdÂed fishÂing hole. DependÂing on the seaÂson, you can try for kings, sockÂeye, trout, or ArcÂtic grayling, as you angle with fishÂing guides who know the ins and outs of these cold, glacial drainages.
The CopÂper RivÂer ValÂley offers some of the best king salmon fishÂing in all of AlasÂka. In fact, each salmon up here averÂages a whopÂping 40 pounds! Don’t miss your chance to fish these waters for salmon and othÂer species on a float trip with AK Fish Charters.
Mat-Su Valley View All
Find jet boat charters, raft charters, and fly-in fishing lodges just a few hours north of Anchorage
The NorthÂwoods Lodge is a remote lodge where visÂiÂtors can find themÂselves in a 45 minute flight from AnchorÂage. The lodge speÂcialÂizes in guidÂed fishÂing, and guests can enjoy 8 to 10 hours of fishÂing a day if they choose. Guides help you spin or fly fish for troÂphy king salmon, silÂver and sockÂeye salmon, or resÂiÂdent rainÂbow trout, arcÂtic grayling and northÂern pike
Fish more of the hot spots with PhanÂtom CharÂters, a famÂiÂly comÂpaÂny run by folks who live to fish and bring a lifeÂtime of insidÂer knowlÂedge to your trip. Using speÂcial, shalÂlow-runÂning boats to get into hard-to-reach waters, they’ll take you to best rivÂer fishÂing around TalÂkeetÂna. WanÂder the bank and cast for SilÂvers, Chums, Pinks, and SockÂeyes, or troll from behind the boat as well as shore fish for the Big Kings.
ExplorÂing Alaska’s backÂcounÂtry lakes, forests and rivers is a pheÂnomÂeÂnal expeÂriÂence. WilderÂness Place Lodge — tucked away on a remote rivÂer northÂwest of AnchorÂage — offers excelÂlent access to nearÂly any freshÂwaÂter fish you came to AlasÂka for, along with a unique eco-travÂel expeÂriÂence that comes with a high levÂel of serÂvice, a variÂety of non-fishÂing activÂiÂties and the melÂlow freeÂdom to creÂate an Alaskan expeÂriÂence that suits your own taste.
There’s nothÂing quite like the thrill of catchÂing an iconÂic Alaskan fish like salmon or halÂibut. And when you take an intiÂmate half- or full-day trip with the pasÂsionÂate anglers at AlasÂka OutÂdoors AddicÂtion out of AnchorÂage, you’ll cast your line amid incredÂiÂble scenery on an expeÂdiÂtion that’s careÂfulÂly catered to your interÂests. Rent the entire boat or come as a shared guest; either way, it will be a magÂiÂcal expeÂriÂence that’s perÂfect for both ...more
Juneau View All
Cast your line targeting halibut, rockfish, lingcod, and salmon
Hit the fish-rich waters of AlasÂka on this unforÂgetÂtable fishÂing charÂter aboard a priÂvate yacht. Head out from Juneau for a mulÂti-day expeÂdiÂtion that’s perÂfect for everyÂone from beginÂners to hardÂcore anglers, as well as anyÂone who wants to join the advenÂture! Fish, kayak, take the zodiÂac ashore for excurÂsions, stop in the small towns of Elfin Cove and Hoonah, and fish the Gulf of Alaska.
Enjoy a scenic floatÂplane jourÂney into the vast TonÂgass NationÂal ForÂest for a day of fishÂing salmon, char, and trout. Whether you’re a beginÂner or an expeÂriÂenced angler, expert guides will ensure a memÂoÂrable advenÂture, comÂplete with high-qualÂiÂty gear and the chance to spot wildlife. This catch-and-release advenÂture is perÂfect for cruise ship pasÂsenÂgers and offers an authenÂtic Alaskan expeÂriÂence, includÂing snacks and a shore lunch on full-day ...more
Whittier View All
Cast your line for salmon, rockfish, halibut & lingcod
Just a 1‑hour driÂve from AnchorÂage, WhitÂtiÂer is the closÂest town to expeÂriÂence the thrill of fishÂing for halÂibut. Go with the proÂfesÂsionÂal guides at Crazy Ray’s AdvenÂtures and you can also angle for salmon and rockÂfish on comÂfortÂable boats, surÂroundÂed by the jaw-dropÂping scenery of Prince William Sound. No expeÂriÂence necessary!
Fairbanks & North Pole View All
Go ice fishing in winter
ExpeÂriÂence the fabÂuÂlousÂly unique sport of ice fishÂing in winÂter. OwnÂer, Rod PangÂborn and his team of skilled guides based in North Pole will coach you, based on whatÂevÂer your skill levÂel. Choose from a dayÂtime expeÂriÂence, or an evening tour with a chance to view the northÂern lights.
SeeÂing the NorthÂern Lights is an unforÂgetÂtable winÂterÂtime expeÂriÂence. Of course, you nevÂer know quite when (or even if) MothÂer Nature is going to unleash the disÂplay into the night sky. So while you wait, you’ll be tryÂing your hand at anothÂer activÂiÂty that’s unique to the Alaskan winÂter: ice fishing!
Kodiak View All
Charter a beautiful remote fishing drop-off and cast your line for salmon
There’s nothÂing quite like the thrill of catchÂing an iconÂic Alaskan fish like salmon or halÂibut. And when you take an intiÂmate half- or full-day trip with the pasÂsionÂate anglers at AlasÂka OutÂdoors AddicÂtion out of AnchorÂage, you’ll cast your line amid incredÂiÂble scenery on an expeÂdiÂtion that’s careÂfulÂly catered to your interÂests. Rent the entire boat or come as a shared guest; either way, it will be a magÂiÂcal expeÂriÂence that’s perÂfect for both ...more
Homer View All
Take a charter and fish for halibut, salmon & more from this fishing hot spot
Homer is the halÂibut capÂiÂtal of AlasÂka, and this longÂtime charÂter comÂpaÂny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qualÂiÂty boats, expeÂriÂenced capÂtains, and enthuÂsiÂasÂtic crews — as well as an inside line on findÂing halÂibut, rock fish and silÂver salmon. But they also offer a variÂety of othÂer ways to enjoy the waters off Kachemak Bay, from wildlife cruisÂing to padÂdling a kayak or hikÂing in Kachemak Bay State Park.
Go fish! Cast your line for iconÂic Alaskan salmon and halÂibut — as well as othÂer species — as you explore the shimÂmerÂing waters around Homer with the pasÂsionÂate fishÂing pros of MavÂerÂick CharÂters. The stunÂning area is one that many travÂelÂers don’t get to explore, and all ages can enjoy this unforÂgetÂtable outÂing — no expeÂriÂence necessary!
Port Protection View All
Visit the incredible Prince of Wales Island and fish for salmon, lingcod, halibut, and yelloweye rockfish