Photo Credit: Rod’s Alaskan Guide Service Aurora Ice Fishin

Ice Fishing

A classic winter experience when the ice is thick (usually mid-November through March). Guided options offer a cozy portable shelter while waiting for your catch.

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Ice Fishing

Season: November - March $160+ 4+ hrs

Expe­ri­ence the fab­u­lous­ly unique sport of ice fish­ing in win­ter. Own­er, Rod Pang­born and his team of skilled guides based in North Pole will coach you, based on what­ev­er your skill lev­el. Choose from a day­time expe­ri­ence, or an evening tour with a chance to view the north­ern lights.

Season: Year Round $250+ per person 4 hrs - Multi-day

Join Dave Fish Alas­ka on a pri­vate fish­ing excur­sion in Tal­keet­na. Choose from a vari­ety of trans­porta­tion options and fish for Alaska’s icon­ic species with the help of our expe­ri­enced guides. No expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary, all lev­els are welcome.

Season: November–March $220+ 5 hours

See­ing the North­ern Lights is an unfor­get­table win­ter­time expe­ri­ence. Of course, you nev­er know quite when (or even if) Moth­er Nature is going to unleash the dis­play into the night sky. So while you wait, you’ll be try­ing your hand at anoth­er activ­i­ty that’s unique to the Alaskan win­ter: ice fishing!

Season: Shack: May–August. Guided Trips: Year-round $120+

Go fish­ing right in Anchor­age – whether you have only have a few hours or a full day. Rent a gear pack­age and fish on your own. Or, hire one of our local guides to take you on a guid­ed tour to land your dream catch. You can also buy bait and fish­ing licenses.

Ever gone ice fish­ing? Cari­bou lake is a great place to enjoy this cold and unique expe­ri­ence. You can spend a qui­et day to your­self, fish­ing for Dol­ly Var­den and Koka­nee. Or if you’re feel­ing more com­pet­i­tive, you can par­tic­i­pate in the Sno­mad’s (Home­r’s snow machine club) annu­al ice fish­ing con­test. (Either way, dress in warm lay­ers and be pre­pared to sit or stand in the cold!)
