UA Museum of the North Audio Guide

Discover fascinating stories about Alaska's people, places, and wildlife at the University of Alaska Museum of the North - your best introduction to this vast and diverse state. From Alaska Native art to polar dinosaurs, whatever your interest, you'll find something appealing on exhibit.

A trip to Fairbanks isn't complete without a visit to the museum. In the Gallery of Alaska exhibits are grouped thematically to represent Alaska's major ecological and cultural regions. Highlights include Alaska's largest gold display, extensive displays of Alaska Native art and artifacts, and the world's only restored Ice Age steppe bison mummy. Watch videos on the aurora, a whale hunt, and Alaska Native dances. Accredited by the American Association of Museums.


  • Summer (May 15-Sep 15): 9am-7pm (daily)
  • Winter (Sept 16 - May 14): Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm
  • Closed Sundays, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day


  • Adults: $10
  • Seniors (60 & older): $9
  • Youth (7-17): $5
  • Children (6 & under): Free
  • UA Museum of the North members & UA students: Free
  • Group rates available

UA Museum of the North Audio Guide

Wel­come to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alas­ka Muse­um of the North. 

The curves of the muse­um’s archi­tec­ture entice ravens to come and play in the wind cur­rents along its eaves. Bird Cura­tor Kevin Winker explains the role of ravens in Alaska’s culture.

Gram­my and Pulitzer prize-win­ning Com­pos­er John Luther Adams describes what you’ll hear in the gallery called The Place Where You Go to Lis­ten, the vibra­tions of the earth and sky trans­lat­ed into sound.

Wel­come to the Rose Berry Alas­ka Art Gallery. Lis­ten to an overview of our newest art gallery.

For­mer Arche­ol­o­gy Cura­tor Dan Odess describes how a wide range of dai­ly activ­i­ties, from reli­gious cer­e­monies to comb­ing hair, influ­enced the art of ancient Eski­mo societies.

This seal gut rain par­ka was painstak­ing­ly made to be beau­ti­ful yet func­tion­al. A hunter’s life depend­ed on how well made a par­ka was constructed.

For­mer cura­tor of Eth­nol­o­gy, Mol­ly Lee, describes the beau­ty and his­to­ry of Alas­ka Native art.

Over 1,000 years old, the Okvik Madon­na is a sub­tle yet price­less piece of Eski­mo art.

Mol­ly Lee talks about the incred­i­ble detail of Eski­mo cloth­ing. Did you know that a fur par­ka is made from rough­ly 20 dif­fer­ent­ly shaped pieces. 

James Bark­er describes his style of doc­u­men­tary ethno­graph­ic photography.

Lis­ten to locals describe their ver­sion of the Great Alaskan Outhouse.

For­mer cura­tor of Eth­nol­o­gy, Mol­ly Lee talks about the tra­di­tion­al process of tan­ning a moose hide.

John Man­thei explains how an artist can see more than the rough mate­r­i­al in the begin­ning stages of cre­at­ing a piece of art.

A descrip­tion of the gallery, Our Own Per­spec­tives. In this area you can read how non-artists inter­pret these works of art.

Wel­come to the Liv­ing Room. A beau­ti­ful, relax­ing place to watch how light and shad­ows play on the walls and ceiling.

Jade is an incred­i­bly hard stone that is only found in a 1030 mile strip of Alas­ka in the Kobuk Valley.

A brief descrip­tion of the his­to­ry of Alas­ka and Alaska’s first residents.

A descrip­tion of South­west Alas­ka. Hear a con­ver­sa­tion in rough weath­er on the Aleut­ian Islands 

Lis­ten to a pro­file of the ani­mals that pop­u­late the Pri­bilof Islands.

Bent­wood Aleut hats are made by split­ting a tree into del­i­cate planks, then carv­ing and bend­ing the planks into grace­ful visors.

This tour describes tra­di­tion­al bas­ket mak­ing of Aleut Natives.

A look at items that rep­re­sent the Inu­pi­aq and Yup’ik cul­tures of the West­ern Arc­tic Coast. 

Inves­ti­gat­ing the polar bear, also known as Nanook, the great white bear. 

Lis­ten to a radio clip about a Nenana Ice Clas­sic break-up con­test winner.

A weath­er report spo­ken in the Yup’ik language.

Cura­tor of Earth Sci­ences, Patrick Druck­en­miller talks about a few of the many species of arc­tic dinosaurs.

A descrip­tion of what sys­tem­at­ics and DNA research mean to our scientists.

A descrip­tion of the dec­o­ra­tion styles used by the ear­li­est inhab­i­tants of St. Lawrence Island.

The cres­cent blad­ed knife called ulu is a tra­di­tion­al wom­an’s knife. Look close­ly at an ulu han­dle, there are often spe­cif­ic designs that ref­er­ence the maker.

A descrip­tion of the Yup’ik and Inu­pi­aq belief in Inua, a con­nec­tion between human and ani­mal spirits.

Lis­ten to a descrip­tion of the amaz­ing Umi­ak, an open, high­ly sea­wor­thy craft made of drift­wood and wal­rus skins.

A region­al pro­file of the Inte­ri­or of Alas­ka. This dis­cuss­es weath­er, the econ­o­my, and the peo­ple of the Fair­banks area.

Blue Babe is one of our most pop­u­lar exhibits. Hear the sto­ry of an Ice Age mum­my that is approx­i­mate­ly 36,000 years old.

Fair­banks is a gold rush city. Lis­ten to the sto­ry of how Fair­banks began.

Fair­banks his­to­ry has always been boom or bust. This exhib­it is the largest dis­play of gold nuggets in the State.

The Athabas­can language.

The sto­ry of Kath­leen Car­lo, an Athabas­can mask maker.

Athabas­can embroi­dery, a descrip­tion and his­to­ry of this amaz­ing tra­di­tion­al art.

The dif­fer­ences between Ermines and Weasels.

Hear the sea­son­al round of the Athabas­can peo­ple. This tour describes how and where they lived through­out the year.

Take this chance to hear what a typ­i­cal vil­lage in Inte­ri­or Alas­ka sounds like in the morning.

Bar­ry McWayne describes the art of Kesler Wood­ward, Fair­banks painter.

Lis­ten to a sound­scape of wind blow­ing through birch trees in the Alas­ka interior.

This tour describes our Wool­ly Mam­moth and Mastodon exhib­it. Lis­ten to the dif­fer­ences between these extinct animals.

The Bering Land Bridge was an impor­tant cross­roads between North Amer­i­ca and Eurasia.

South Cen­tral Alas­ka. Hear a descrip­tion of this geo­log­i­cal­ly active area of Alaska.

Kevin Winker, cura­tor of birds, talks about Alaska’s Shore­birds. Hear bird calls and lis­ten to some of the sto­ries of their incred­i­ble migrations.

A short his­to­ry of the Trans-Alas­ka Pipeline. The 800 mile pipeline was built in 3 years while cross­ing some major hurdles.

A sto­ry of Russ­ian Ortho­dox mis­sion­ar­ies work in Alas­ka. This exhib­it shows a trans­lat­ed ver­sion of the Russ­ian Cat­e­chism in the Aleut language.

A descrip­tion of how hunters trap Alas­ka beavers.

An intro­duc­tion to South­east Alaska.

This exhib­it shows what the bluish col­ored Glac­i­er Bear looks like up close.

Tra­di­tion­al Tlin­git bas­kets were made from the roots of Spruce trees.

Tra­di­tion­al North­west Coast art designs empha­sized the essence of an image rather than the whole image.

The Tlin­git language.

A descrip­tion of the salmon’s his­to­ry and life cycle includ­ing the sto­ry of their migra­tion home. 

The Klondike Gold Rush encour­aged peo­ple to do the unimaginable.