Shops at the Anchorage Airport

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Whether it’s shirts, paja­mas, slip­pers or stuffed ani­mals (bear fans, mean­while, while find a few PJs and trin­kets as well). You can also choose among gifts such as quirky mag­nets, notepads and water bot­tles that make great portable gifts.

Named after the insect that, some joke, could be Alaska’s state bird, the book­store also makes a great stop for trav­el­ers who’ve just land­ed in Alas­ka. You can pick up guide­books, region­al maps, hik­ing trail maps, or even a nice jour­nal to log your trav­els or wildlife sightings.

The store works with local artists and sells authen­tic Alaskan art, but you can take a small­er taste of Alas­ka with you. As a nice alter­na­tive to the usu­al air­port can­dy, pick up a made-in-Alas­ka choco­late bar for your on-the-go snack.

Rea­son­ably priced gifts for friends, fam­i­ly and office mates, or a just a deli­cious snack for the plane ride home. Almost three quar­ters of the shop con­sists of foods and acces­sories that were made, caught or picked in Alas­ka — from smoked salmon, rein­deer sausage and jerky to jams, syrups or Ketchikan-made Ravens Brew Coffee.

There’s lots of tech­no­log­i­cal­ly supe­ri­or cloth­ing — lay­er­ing sys­tems designed for Alaska’s tough con­di­tions. You’ll find base lay­ers; fleece coats; and water­proof, wind­proof, breath­able shells in well-known brands like Con­dor Out­door Gear and 5.11Tactical.

InMo­tion Enter­tain­ment is the largest air­port-based elec­tron­ics and enter­tain­ment retail­er in the nation, offer­ing tablets, net­books, dig­i­tal cam­eras, pock­et cam­corders, DVD play­ers, noise-can­cel­ing head­phones and accessories.