A 17 mile one-way jaunt from Chiniak Highway, this road was completed alongside the development of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation launch site, which is at the end of the road. In addition to accessing the private site, the paved road offers recreationalists and travelers access to great fishing beaches and rivers, surf spots, state parks, and scenic views of alpine passes and ocean. There’s also a private ranch here, where semi-domesticated buffalo wander the open lands.

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Driving Guide Points

A 17 mile one-way jaunt from Chini­ak High­way, this road was com­plet­ed along­side the devel­op­ment of the Alas­ka Aero­space Cor­po­ra­tion launch site, which is at the end of the road. In addi­tion to access­ing the pri­vate site, the paved road offers recre­ation­al­ists and trav­el­ers access to great fish­ing beach­es and rivers, surf spots, state parks, and scenic views of alpine pass­es and ocean. There’s also a pri­vate ranch here, where semi-domesticated…  ...more

High­est point on the road cross­es the divide in the Marin Range.

Look for salmon and bald eagles here.

A favorite local spot for fish­ing on the Pasagshak Riv­er. MP 8.5, Pasagshak Rd

This riv­er flows past a prim­i­tive camp­site (first-come basis, free) and emp­ties into the bay. Only three miles long, the riv­er is fed by Lake Rose Tead, which is a prime spawn­ing area for sock­eye salmon. The riv­er also has runs of pink, chum, and sil­ver salmon, as well as Dol­ly Var­den. Fly fish­er­men love the chal­lenge of fish­ing in the tidal­ly-influ­enced low­er stretch of the riv­er; but spin­ner or fly cast­er, you’ll find good game in this stream,  ...more

A spec­tac­u­lar set­ting for anglers, beach­combers, hik­ers, and explor­ers. There is devel­oped camp­ing for both tent and RV campers, a boat launch, two mod­ern pit toi­lets, and numer­ous pic­nic sites. The beach makes for excel­lent walk­ing, beach­comb­ing, wildlife view­ing and birding. 

Difficulty: Easy

Enjoy hik­ing, camp­ing, & pic­nick­ing on this remote beach, known as Surfer­’s Beach. The beach is acces­si­ble via a trail at MP 12.5 Pasagshak Rd. 

One of the last ranch­es on the island, this cat­tle com­pa­ny is run by Bill and Kathy Bur­ton, who start­ed their 20,000-acre lease in 1967. With 60 – 70 cows, 400 buf­fa­lo, 70 elk, and 14 yaks, the ranch is a place for domes­ti­cat­ed meat and guid­ed hunts. Ranch­ing was first brought to Kodi­ak by the Rus­sians, who took advan­tage of the nat­ur­al grass­lands on the green, tem­per­ate island. Amer­i­cans con­tin­ued the ranch­ing tra­di­tion, which peaked with some…  ...more

Road main­te­nance ends so beware of rough roads ahead. Near the end of the road, this rock­et launch facil­i­ty is part of the Alas­ka Aero­space Cor­po­ra­tion, a state-run enter­prise spe­cial­iz­ing in satel­lite and mis­sile tech­nol­o­gy as well as launch­es. At the very least, you can check out the launch tow­er from a dis­tance. If you are lucky to be here on one of their annu­al launch­es, you can watch a rock­et be sent into space! Built in 1998 (and the…  ...more

Difficulty: Easy

This is the end of the road, and out­side intre­pid surfers and beach­combers, you won’t find many peo­ple here. The road main­te­nance ends and it’s tough to get here, but if you make it, you’ll find great beach­comb­ing and fos­sil hunt­ing. The beach is at the mouth of a small riv­er, which drains Twin Lakes. And the fos­sils are in cliffs locat­ed at the left side of the beach. Acces­si­ble only at low tide, the cliff face has fos­silized rem­nants of…  ...more