Holitna River Points

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Holitna River Points

To get to the Holit­na one must take a com­mer­cial flight to Dilling­ham where a char­tered float­plane can be arranged to take you to the riv­er at the con­flu­ence of Kugruk­luk Riv­er and Shot­gun Creek.

The take out involves float­ing all the way to the Holiti­na Riv­er and on to the Kuskok­wim Riv­er where you can pull over at Sleet­mute for a flight back to Ani­ak or Bethel for your con­nec­tion back to Anchorage.

Raft­ing and camp­ing gear is avail­able for rent from Ani­ak Air Guides. Check their web­site for more info at Ani­ak Air Guides. GPS Coor­di­nates Kashegelok: N 60 degrees and 50 min­utes by W 157 degrees and 49.9 min­utes Hoholit­na Con­flu­ence: N 61 degrees and 30.6 min­utes by W 156 degrees and 59.5 min­utes Sleet­mute: N 61 degrees and 41.6 min­utes by W 157 degrees 10.2 minutes   ...more