Fairbanks Traveler Services

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Traveler Services

If you need a cup or trav­el mug for your Alas­ka adven­tures, they also car­ry those, so you’ll be caf­feinat­ed and ready to go home or to the Last Frontier.

The main pub­lic park­ing lot is locat­ed direct­ly in front of the ter­mi­nal build­ing. Elec­tri­cal plug-in ser­vice is avail­able in both the Short-Term and Long-Term areas of this lot. Hand­i­capped Park­ing is avail­able in the Short-Term area.

Infor­ma­tion on the most cur­rent con­tact infor­ma­tion for domes­tic airlines.

Locate air char­ter com­pa­nies sur­round­ing the Fair­banks Inter­na­tion­al Air­port; War­be­low’s Air Ven­tures, North­ern Alaskan Tour Com­pa­ny, Wright Air Ser­vice, and Everts Air Cargo.

The Air Park is locat­ed north­east of the ski strip and is accessed via taxi­way Char­lie and Float Pond Road. It opens for the sum­mer sea­son gen­er­al­ly by mid May and clos­es around the end of Sep­tem­ber, depend­ing on weather.

To have some­one paged, con­tact the Air­port Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Cen­ter at 4742500.

See the arrival and depar­ture sched­ules for Fair­banks Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

View maps of the first and sec­ond floor main terminals.

The most cur­rent con­tact infor­ma­tion for inter­na­tion­al airlines.

Con­tact info for var­i­ous airlines

Ser­vice mem­bers may use the lounge area, obtain shut­tle ser­vice to Ft Wain­wright or Eiel­son AFB, or get a snack while wait­ing for con­nect­ing flights.