Alaska Coffee Shops

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Coffee Shops

Cre­at­ed by the folks behind Anchorage’s award-win­ning Snow City Café, Spe­nard Road­house and Sack’s Café, South Restau­rant + Cof­fee­house was launched to take the best qual­i­ties of those pop­u­lar eater­ies to the South side of town. Locat­ed in a new devel­op­ment near the famed Alas­ka Sand and Grav­el— and off Old Seward High­way — South Restau­rant + Cof­fee House chan­nels a bit of the area’s indus­tri­al past, with a clean, mod­ern space, fea­tur­ing a  ...more

This down­town shop and café is a lit­tle glimpse into old Anchor­age — a city that was­n’t com­plete­ly about log­ging, fish­ing and tough guys. Built in 1915, the Kim­ball build­ing, on Town Square Park at the cor­ner of 5th and E, is a stop on the his­toric walk­ing tour and still has antique fix­tures and floor­ing. It’s eclec­tic, quaint-meets-cool” gift and tea shop is an exten­sion of a famed dry goods and sewing notions store that has been in business…  ...more

This down­town cof­fee shop sources as many prod­ucts as it can from local busi­ness­es. Their cof­fees come from Anchor­age roast­er Kala­di Broth­ers Cof­fee, while their teas come from Sip­ping Streams Tea Com­pa­ny in Fair­banks. Enhance it with a local­ly-made syrup like car­damom and vanil­la or birch syrup. The choose a snack from the Char­cu­terie Bar where you can build your own box. Choose a com­bi­na­tion of meat, cheese, nuts or fruit, hon­ey sticks, and a  ...more

If the Hotel Cap­tain Cook sits in the heart of Anchorage’s buzzing busi­ness dis­trict — and it does — then this cof­fee bar, right off the lob­by, could be its nerve cen­ter. And while it is unde­ni­ably a con­ve­nient spot to swing by to pick up an espres­so or iced cof­fee, local fans come back because it’s the kind of friend­ly place where the barista remem­bers your name when you order.

This turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry rel­ic harks back to Tenakee’s busier times as a hub for min­ers, log­gers and fish­er­men who hit town for a soak in the springs and a good time. It has served as every­thing from a jail, pool hall, dance hall, senior cen­ter to a bak­ery and art gallery.

Tucked against the entry to Ward Cove, the Green Cof­fee Bean Com­pa­ny may seem off the beat­en track. Yet peo­ple from all over Ketchikan make the trek to this local cof­fee shop and roast­ery. Whether you order an espres­so drink or whole beans to go, the cof­fee is roast­ed to perfection.

A bona fide small-town cof­fee shop on Main Street. They serve good cof­fee and espres­so drinks and have ample seat­ing. The atmos­phere is great, with lots of locals, Alas­ka-made art on the walls, open mic nights and art for sale. The food is stan­dard cof­fee shop stuff — soups, sand­wich­es, baked goods. It’s healthy and tasty, but noth­ing special.

Café serv­ing home­made break­fasts, soups, sand­wich­es, and more

Start­ed in 1986 as a cof­fee cart, the com­pa­ny has grown tremen­dous­ly and is dis­trib­uted through­out much of the Amer­i­can West. That’s because they source excel­lent beans, roast them well (here in Anchor­age) and are pas­sion­ate about the bean! They also offer organ­ic and Fair Trade cof­fee, for the social­ly-con­scious cof­fee drinker. They have sev­er­al loca­tions through­out the city and have knowl­edge­able baris­tas pulling shots for espres­so drinks.…  ...more

Tem­porar­i­ly closed.

Angoon Trad­ing Co. is a gen­er­al store locat­ed in Angoon, on Admi­ral­ty Island. They car­ry a full line of gro­cery, hard­ware, lum­ber, as well as gifts, and clothing.

Open sea­son­al­ly April through August. Veg­gies har­vest­ed from the on-site gar­den and seafood is from the Pacif­ic Ocean. Menu fea­tures fine Alas­ka seafood as well as Alas­ka wild game. You’ll also find a full bar, wine list, and local brews.

This small-town cof­fee shop fea­tures couch­es, com­fort­able tables, and a fire­place, along with top-qual­i­ty cof­fee, tea, and baked goods. It’s def­i­nite­ly a local hang­out: friends chat, teens do their home­work, and the baris­tas know most everyone.

The Chart Room Restau­rant has been a fix­ture at the end of the famous Homer Spit since 1958. Today, this full-ser­vice eatery and lounge fea­tures deli­cious cui­sine made with local ingre­di­ents, and all with an Alaskan twist. But the food isn’t the only star here: You’ll also find a unique nau­ti­cal décor and a jaw-drop­ping view. Big pic­ture win­dows reveal a stun­ning land­scape out over the shim­mer­ing waters of Kachemak Bay and the snow-capped  ...more

If you’re on your way in or out of Tal­keet­na, be sure to stop at Fly­ing Squir­rel Bak­ery Café, locat­ed at Mile 11 on the Tal­keet­na Spur (just 3 miles from town). The café opened in 2009 and quick­ly became known for their chal­lah and rugelach, as well as veg­an, veg­e­tar­i­an, and gluten-free choic­es — don’t wor­ry, though, there’s some­thing for every­one includ­ing meat-eaters. The own­ers come from the east coast and from a long-time local farming  ...more

Locat­ed in a beau­ti­ful old church, this is a place to find great cof­fee, friend­ly ser­vice, and unique arts and crafts made by locals from Seward.

The cre­ative cooks here think up a new lunch sand­wich and hearty soup dai­ly, which you can enjoy along with free wi-fi and friend­ly smiles from the mer­maids – whose mot­to is We try hard­er.” Vis­i­tors will have to try hard not to pick up some extra sweets for the road. Can you say fresh salt­ed caramel” or Crois­sant Bread Pudding?”

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"tenakee-springs","title":"Tenakee Springs"},{"slug":"ketchikan","title":"4 Days in Ketchikan"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"chicken","title":"Chicken"},{"slug":"angoon","title":"Angoon"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]

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