The 20x20-ft rustic cabin can sleep six people on wooden bunkbeds without mattresses.
The cabin is equipped with a table, benches, a wood and oil stove for heat and an outhouse. The cabin has no running water, electricity or cut firewood.
6 people
Shelter Bay
Shelter Bay Cabin is situated on the southwest shore of Shelter Bay on Hinchinbrook Island in the Chugach National Forest.
ccess to the cabin is by floatplane at high tide, wheel plane at low tide or boat.
Hinchinbrook Island is in the Gulf of Alaska at the entrance to Prince William Sound. The cabin is located on a tidal bay, surrounded by low, forested hills of spruce, hemlock and muskeg openings.
Special Features

The outlet channel of Shelter Bay is a popular coho salmon fishing site in August and September. Pink and chum salmon start to appear in the outlet in early July. The inlet creek at the far end of the bay is also a good spot to catch pink and chum salmon and Dolly Varden from July to August. Visitors who prefer to stay around the outlet creek can try fly fishing for sea-run cutthroat trout.
Hunters can take advantage of a long hunting season on the island and in the surrounding national forest. Bear season occurs during spring and fall, while deer season begins in late summer and lasts through late fall.
Season of Use
Managing Agency
Chugach National Forest
What To Bring
Visitors must bring #1 oil, kerosene or wood for the stove, as well as water, food, sleeping bags, pads, cook stoves and cooking gear.

Oil & Wood
USGS Topo Map