Perseverance Trail


3 miles



Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 3 miles

Elevation Gain: 500-1500ft

Type: Out-and-Back

The path to the Perseverance trailhead, Basin Road, showcases a dramatic change from urban to wilderness, leading from downtown Juneau to a spectacular canyon. At the end of it is where Perseverance Trail begins, and this former rail line (named for the mine it once serviced) quickly climbs up above the Gold Creek valley. There’s plenty to see along the way, including old mine shafts that blow cool winds, and a stretch of trail where the mountain drops steeply away to Gold Creek. Then, on the left, you’ll see the turnoff for the summit of Mount Juneau, a strenuous 1.5-mile climb, as well as the turnoff for a short hike to the top of thundering Ebner Falls. The falls are a great spot to grab a snack, but watch your footing when exploring the area. If you choose to skip the steep climbs and continue on the main trail, the terrain becomes much flatter, and you'll have gorgeous views of the ridgelines to your left and right. Salmonberry bushes line the trail and produce tasty berries in July; wildflowers are abundant throughout the summer. Watch for bears, but generally there’s little cause for concern, as there are plenty of other hikers on the trail.
A couple of side trails are worth exploring, including Granite Creek (2 miles in) which can bring you up to the ridge east of Mount Juneau’s summit. A broken bridge at the bottom of a falls marks the near-end of the trail. A few hundred yards more and you can sit on a wooden platform and look down on the valley you just hiked up. Soak it all in. You’re exploring Alaska.

Features: Kid Friendly, Running

Getting There

Latitude: 58.304506
Longitude: -134.407167
Driving Directions


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Perseverance Trail Points

Ebn­er Falls is locat­ed on Per­se­v­er­ence Trail. There is an over­look from the trail and it’s also pos­si­ble to hike down to the bot­tom of the falls for pho­tos. The falls cas­cade down rock steps for between 100 and 200 feet.

Difficulty: Moderate

This side trail leads to the edge of the AJ Glo­ry Hole, a mas­sive chasm with 800 foott deep walls. The mine pro­duced mil­lions of dol­lars in gold dur­ing its oper­a­tional life. The hole was cre­at­ed in a process where min­ers would blast under a mound of earth and have it col­lapse. This allowed for easy min­ing of the ore and then the hole could be blast­ed a lay­er deep­er. The hole is rough­ly 12 mile long and 13 mile wide and has ver­ti­cal walls.…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile

A side trail from Per­se­ver­ance that breaks off 2 miles into the hike, this trail is gen­er­al­ly mud­dy because of the beau­ti­ful water­falls and snow that resides on the moun­tains until ear­ly sum­mer. (And there’s extreme avalanche dan­ger in win­ter.) But it’s a great day hike, and if you keep to the left you can access the alpine high coun­try of Mount Juneau. There are beau­ti­ful alpine lakes and wild­flow­ers along the way as you gain over 1,200…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult

The trail is very steep from this point to the sum­mit. When the weath­er is good, some peo­ple walk over toward Gran­ite Basin on the ridge. There are mar­mot, spruce grouse and black bears seen here often.