Pelican residents know how to celebrate Independence Day – by showing their own independent streak. In fact, they start the party early – on July 3rd at 11 pm! There will be no sleeping here, with a colorful and loud fireworks show that reverberates against the mountains framing Lisianski Inlet.
On July 4, a parade on the boardwalk is highlighted by “floats” (usually hand-held decorations of all sorts held aloft) and home-town spirit, with a community picnic to follow on the south end of the boardwalk.
Games of all sorts are planned, and usually include tug-of-war, an “anything but a boat” float contest in the harbor, and a hold-your-breath greased pole contest. This one’s a long-standing Pelican tradition during which competitors traverse the length of a greased trolling pole perched over the water to claim the American flag at the end.