Hike or camp out at the Eagle Beach State Recreation Area located just 27 miles north of Juneau proper. There's also a picnic area on the white sandy beach. This is a good location for beach combing or bird and sea life watching.


Campground & RV Park


30 sites



Getting There

Mile 28, Glacier Hwy
Juneau, AK 99811
Driving Directions

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Points of Eagle Beach State Recreation Site

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 7 miles

Rel­a­tive­ly easy but long (up to 7 hours), this full-day hike is worth the effort for the views at the end. You’ll want to have good shoes and watch your foot­ing, as the trail is lined with roots and is often wet. The trail winds through old-growth for­est, past beaver dams and old min­ing rails, and ends at a log cab­in nes­tled at the edge of a scenic lake with gor­geous views of Eagle Glac­i­er and the sur­round­ing mountains. 

This short trail leads you along the mouth of the Eagle Riv­er and a salt marsh estu­ary. Be sure to pack a pic­nic as there are tables near the end of the trail. 

Difficulty: Easy

Enjoy hik­ing, camp­ing, & pic­nick­ing on this remote beach, known as Surfer­’s Beach. The beach is acces­si­ble via a trail at MP 12.5 Pasagshak Rd. 

Wind­ing through old-growth for­est, this trail is main­tained for hik­ing year-round and cross-coun­try ski­ing when there is enough snow.

Expe­ri­ence a num­ber of dif­fer­ent ecosys­tems along this trail. You’ll walk through open mead­ow, wet­land, and rain­for­est muskeg just to name a few. You’ll also find beau­ti­ful flow­ers in the spring and juicy berries in the sum­mer and ear­ly fall. Dis­tance 1.8 miles Type Loop Fea­tures Wheel­chair Accessible

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 6 miles

This trail fol­lows the for­mer min­ing tramway. The bridges are in poor con­di­tion and the trail has not been main­tained in years. The area is very scenic with high pop­u­la­tions of brown bears. The trail ends in Yan­kee Basin and con­nects to Bessie Creek Trail. 

Eagle Beach State Rec Site