Campbell Tract Facility



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The well-maintained trails of the BLM's 730-acre Campbell Tract Facility are open for non-motorized recreation, from hiking to horseback riding. Bordered on three sides by city parklands-including Far North Bicentennial Park-the tract creates an unbroken connection to the Chugach Mountains to the east. Depending on the season, you may encounter moose, fox, coyote, lynx, black bear, and brown bear. Campbell Creek meanders through the northern part of the tract and provides spawning habitat for rainbows, Dolly Varden, silvers, and kings. The tract is also home to the Campbell Creek Science Center, which provides outdoor education programs for people of all ages.

Getting There

Campbell Airstrip Rd
Anchorage, AK 99504
Driving Directions


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Trails & Facilities In Campbell Tract

Difficulty: Easy

An off-shoot of the View­point Trail, Moose Mead­ow Trail cuts back towards the South Fork of Camp­bell Creek. You’ll wind through mixed forests of spruce, aspen, and even some cot­ton­woods. Keep an eye out for a spe­cial type of moss known to locals as Old Man’s Beard. It typ­i­cal­ly grows on the under­side of ever­greens boughs and, in the right light, cre­ates an eerie ambiance. The Moose Mead­ow Trail con­nects up with Rover’s Run near the Creek. If…  ...more

Difficulty: Easy

The name says it all – dur­ing the win­ter months at least. The trail is off lim­its once snow flies, but as soon as the snow is gone in the spring, recre­ate to your heart’s con­tent. This net­work of win­ter­time dog mush­ing trails offers a wide array of options through­out the sum­mer. With a lit­tle cre­ativ­i­ty you can put togeth­er out­ings from 1.4 to 12+ miles. Do be aware that mush­ers some­times train their teams here with wheeled bug­gies. If you…  ...more

The View Point Trail is also known as the Tour of Anchor­age Trail. It offers gen­tle ter­rain and a touch of soli­tude for those look­ing for an easy trail not far from the city. Because the Camp­bell Tract is adja­cent to Far North Bicen­ten­ni­al Park and Chugach State Park beyond that, it offers a direct cor­ri­dor for ani­mals mov­ing in and out of the Anchor­age bowl so keep an eye out for moose with their young in the spring and be espe­cial­ly mindful  ...more

Access the Beaver Dam Trail across Camp­bell Airstrip Rd from the Camp­bell Tract park­ing area. You’ll head off into a for­est of ancient aspen trees and shoul­der height rose bush­es. This is a favorite hang­out spot for the local moose because the browse is so acces­si­ble. Dur­ing late sum­mer and into the fall you’ll also find copi­ous amounts of rose­hips, an abun­dant nat­ur­al vit­a­min C pill’. Min­ers were known to eat a hip or two a day to ward off…  ...more

Campbell Tract Facility

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