Cabin #7 - Blobbify

Cab­in #7 was owned by Fair­banks’ first vet­eri­nar­i­an Doc Stearns. Doc was a beard­ed, aris­to­crat­ic-look­ing gen­tle­man whose con­stant com­pan­ion was a small cock­er spaniel. Doc had a pass to all movies in town and nev­er missed one — with his cock­er spaniel by his side. He lat­er oper­at­ed a small farm on Tim­ber­line Drive.

This cabin is now occupied by Juliana Miller, a self-taught artist from North Pole, Alaska. She provides books, charms, and Blobbify portraits.

Getting There

Latitude: 64.838502
Longitude: -147.770711
Driving Directions


Cabin #7 - Blobbify