Photo Credit: Wilderness Express

Alaska Escorted Group Tours

Escorted tours allow you to tour Alaska’s highlights without having to worry about the details. Your job is to sit back, relax, and explore. A tour guide accompanies your group most all the time. Lodging and most meals are taken care of, and your bags are carried for you.And when it comes to activities, you can choose the ones that appeal to you. Want to try sea kayaking? Fishing for famous Alaskan salmon? Whitewater rafting? Flightseeing? Dog mushing? You’ll likely have the opportunity to try all of them if you like.

Price is one of the benefits: conventional escorted group tours cost 10–15% less than the same independent itinerary. What you give up is the flexibility and autonomy of setting your own schedule, as well as the ability to reach certain off-the-beaten path destinations.

You’ll have plenty of free time to explore on your own, yet you can be assured of packing a lot into your day. Seasoned guides know how to find the best spots for photo ops and wildlife viewing, how to experience the Alaskan lifestyle, and (usually) when to step back and let you explore on your own. The guides also know all about the area—its history, geography, flora and fauna—so you’ll get a lot more out of your trip. And if something does go wrong, it’s not your problem—it’s your guide’s.

You’ll travel by new, luxurious motorcoaches and dome rail cars in groups of up to 40, exploring stunning national parks such as Denali and Kenai Fjords. You may also see less well-known but equally magnificent destinations, like Wrangell St. Elias, the Kenai Peninsula, and Prince William Sound—a magical place to take a glacier and wildlife cruise. You’ll move at a pretty brisk pace, and you’ll stay in larger hotels (though not the same ones that are overrun by cruise passengers).

Which tour company should you travel with? We recommend the itineraries below, operated by an Alaska-based company that prides itself in using all Alaskan guides, in order to give you more of the local flavor. Contact us for booking help!

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Escorted Group Tours

Summer Tours

Season: May 19 - Sep 2
From $3,025
8 Days / 7 Nights
Visits: Anchorage, Denali National Park & Preserve, Talkeetna, Seward & Kenai Fjords
Land Package Type: Escorted Group Tours

Trav­el with a ded­i­cat­ed guide and group of fel­low adven­tur­ers on this pop­u­lar escort­ed tour. The itin­er­ary includes vis­its to Denali Nation­al Park and Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park so that trav­el­ers can expe­ri­ence Alaska’s big moun­tains, vast Inte­ri­or, and remark­able South­cen­tral coastline.

Season: May 18 - Sept 7
From $1,950*
6 Days / 5 Nights
Visits: Fairbanks, Denali National Park & Preserve, Anchorage
Land Package Type: Escorted Group Tours

Trav­el from the north­ern city of Fair­banks, to Denali Nation­al Park, and on to Anchor­age. This slight­ly short­er guid­ed tour fits well as a pre-cruise land package.

Season: May 24 - Sept 6
From $3,025
8 Days / 7 Nights
Visits: Anchorage, Valdez, Whittier, Prince William Sound, Fairbanks, Denali National Park & Preserve
Land Package Type: Escorted Group Tours

One of the most pop­u­lar and well-round­ed escort­ed tours, this trav­el pack­age show­cas­es much of what makes Alas­ka such a won­der­ful place to vis­it. Explore nation­al parks, pic­turesque fjords, and unmatched moun­tain ranges along­side a ded­i­cat­ed guide and group of fel­low adventurers.


Winter Tours

Season: Feb 26 - March 2
From $1,375
5 Days / 4 Nights
Visits: Anchorage
Land Package Type: Escorted Group Tours

Trav­el­ing on a ful­ly guid­ed tour is a per­fect way to expe­ri­ence Alas­ka in the win­ter. Your trans­porta­tion is tak­en care of, a healthy sup­ply of hand warm­ers pro­vid­ed, and the tour’s ded­i­cat­ed guide there to nar­rate and assist. At four nights/​five days, this trip is also an ide­al length: You’ll expe­ri­ence much of Alaska’s win­ter­time beau­ty but leave long before you can catch a chill.

Season: Feb 23 - March 2
From $2,350
8 Days / 7 Nights
Visits: Fairbanks, Denali National Park & Preserve, Anchorage
Land Package Type: Escorted Group Tours

If the thought of explor­ing to Alas­ka in the win­ter is both intrigu­ing and a lit­tle intim­i­dat­ing, this trip makes it easy to trav­el. Your logis­tics, trans­porta­tion, lodg­ing, and even some day tours are tak­en care of by a ded­i­cat­ed guide so that you can thor­ough­ly enjoy the nat­ur­al beau­ty of Alas­ka in the win­ter and the fun of the annu­al Idi­tar­od sled dog race.
