Yakutat Public Use Cabins

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Public Use Cabins

The Har­le­quin Lake 14ft X 80ft shel­ter and is avail­able on a first come first serve basis. 

16ft x 12ft Pan Abode style cab­in with 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, Table, Wood stove, Food cup­board, Axe, Cook­ing counter and shelves, Log book, Broom and dust­pan, Out­house, Wood sup­ply (rounds), 12-foot skiff with oars. Water is avail­able from the lake. Treat all water before using.

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Hunter Style cab­in, 12 feet by 16 feet. Access by 4‑mile trail from Dan­ger­ous Riv­er Bridge at end of For­est High­way 10 or by boat on the Dan­ger­ous River.

Hunter style cab­in, 14 feet by 16 fee with 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, 1 table, Oil heater, Food cup­board, Wind­sock (15 MPH), Log book, Broom and dust­pan, Cook­ing counter and shelves, Meat shed (12ft x 12ft), Out­house, Airstrip 1800ft x 50ft.

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North half of dou­ble A‑frame cab­in (14ft x 40ft) with­out win­dows 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, Table, 2 chairs, Fuel oil heater, Log book, Upper lev­el loft, Broom and dust­pan, 12ft x 12ft meat shed shared with Tanis Mesa South, Out­house, Wind­sock (15 MPH), Airstrip 1800ft x 50ft

South half of dou­ble A‑frame cab­in (14ft x 40ft). Acces­si­ble by wheeled aircraft. 
