Photo Credit: Wrangell Mountain Wilderness Lodge

Where To Stay in Wrangell St. Elias National Park

America's largest National Park offers a lodging choice for every type of traveler.

If you're looking for something exclusive and luxurious, Wrangell St. Elias is home to Ultima Thule Lodge, one of Alaska's finest wilderness lodges. Their 3 and 4-night packages each include a fly-out adventure per day. You might spend the morning flightseeing over the massive Bagley Icefield, landing on a gravel river bar to watch grizzly bears fishing for salmon.

If McCarthy is your base camp for experiencing the park you can stay closer to town in a private cabin at Currant Ridge or the historic Ma Johnson's Hotel. Or, you can opt to stay near the ghost town of Kennicott, at the Kennicott Glacier Lodge, which overlooks the Root Glacier.

There are also a variety of campgrounds and public use cabins.

Wilderness Lodges View All

$13,000 per person (based on double occupancy) | 4 nights + 4 days 4+ Nights

The Ulti­ma Thule Lodge offers you two extremes — though extremes of the best kind pos­si­ble. This unique and pri­vate lodge is one of the most lux­u­ri­ous places to stay in Alas­ka — they’ve host­ed both the rich and famous — but it’s also tucked inside the vast wilds of the nation’s largest, and most remote, nation­al park. Sec­ond gen­er­a­tion hosts, Paul and Don­na Claus (he an inter­na­tion­al­ly revered bush pilot, she a retired ski rac­er and first class chef)  ...more

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Adventure Lodges View All

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $319+ 2+ nights

Want to find out where Alaskans take their vis­i­tors? Vis­it McCarthy Lodge and the Ma John­son Hotel for an expe­ri­ence Nation­al Geo­graph­ic calls authen­tic, sus­tain­able, mem­o­rable.” McCarthy offers small-town charm nes­tled among spec­tac­u­lar glac­i­ers and moun­tains – in a nation­al park twice the size of Denali. Equal­ly impres­sive is that it is the only accom­mo­da­tion and restau­rant rec­om­mend­ed by Miche­lin Guide for the McCarthy-Ken­ni­cott area. It’s  ...more

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $295+

This pri­vate lodg­ing busi­ness may be the ulti­mate way for inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers to stay in the famous­ly just-off-the-grid McCarthy. They’re locat­ed just before the foot­bridge lead­ing into town, so you can park your car right by your pri­vate guest house —with­out the has­sle of park­ing and hav­ing your stuff schlepped over the bridge. A favorite among locals and vis­i­tors alike, the mod­ern guest hous­es have great views of the Wrangell St. Elias  ...more

Season: Year Round Summer $229+ | Winter $175+

Com­fort­able year-round lodg­ing, fire­wood, airstrip, fish­ing licens­es, tav­ern, snacks, liquor store, show­ers, secure park­ing, local area infor­ma­tion, tire repair sup­plies, and emer­gency tele­phone ser­vice on the Nabesna Road inside Wrangell St. Elias Nation­al Park and Preserve


The Alaskan Ken­ni­cott Glac­i­er Lodge is a repli­ca of one of the his­toric cop­per-min­ing build­ings. It’s a lux­u­ri­ous prop­er­ty that sits in the heart of the ghost town and the cen­ter of Wrangell-St. Elias Nation­al Park and Pre­serve, sur­round­ed by spruce and moun­tains. Curl up by the fire­place with a book, enjoy the home-cooked meals, and linger with a glass of wine on the deck that near­ly juts out over the Ken­ni­cott Glac­i­er. Choose from either the  ...more

[{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"},{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"}]

Cabin & Vacation Rentals View All

Season: Year Round Summer $229+ | Winter $175+

Com­fort­able year-round lodg­ing, fire­wood, airstrip, fish­ing licens­es, tav­ern, snacks, liquor store, show­ers, secure park­ing, local area infor­ma­tion, tire repair sup­plies, and emer­gency tele­phone ser­vice on the Nabesna Road inside Wrangell St. Elias Nation­al Park and Preserve

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $295+

This pri­vate lodg­ing busi­ness may be the ulti­mate way for inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers to stay in the famous­ly just-off-the-grid McCarthy. They’re locat­ed just before the foot­bridge lead­ing into town, so you can park your car right by your pri­vate guest house —with­out the has­sle of park­ing and hav­ing your stuff schlepped over the bridge. A favorite among locals and vis­i­tors alike, the mod­ern guest hous­es have great views of the Wrangell St. Elias  ...more

[{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"},{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"}]

Public Use Cabins View All

Cab­ins are locat­ed 14 miles east of McCarthy on a grav­el bar of the Chi­ti­s­tone Riv­er sur­round­ed by tow­er­ing cliffs. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Quaint cab­in ren­o­vat­ed in 2000, locat­ed about 14 mile north of the Nabesna Road.

8′ x 10′ Cab­in 18 miles east of McCarthy, about 12 mile south of the Chi­ti­s­tone Riv­er. No reser­va­tions required, no rental fee. 

This cab­in is locat­ed in the Nabesna Riv­er val­ley approx­i­mate­ly 13 miles south­east of Nabesna, or approx­i­mate­ly 20 miles by snow­ma­chine trail from the Nabesna Road. Rus­tic Cab­in, 12×16. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis.

11′ x 15′ cab­in in the his­toric min­ing set­tle­ment of Chisana

24′ x 36′ cab­in that sleeps 8. The cab­in loca­tion per­mits off- trail hiking/​exploring in the direc­tion of Mount Drum and fish­ing in Chelle Lake.

This cab­in is nes­tled in a glacial val­ley on the upper Chiti­na Riv­er. No rental fee, first-come, first-served. 

These cab­ins are locat­ed on the north shore of the Chiti­na Riv­er about 15 miles south of McCarthy. No reser­va­tions or rental fee, first-come first-served. 

A quar­ter mile from the air strip on the oppo­site side of Lit­tle Esker Stream

The cab­in is locat­ed between May and Chi­ti­tu Creek, approx­i­mate­ly 11.5 miles south­east of McCarthy. First-Come, First-Served. Access by plane only. 

[{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"},{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"southcentral-interior","title":"Southcentral & Interior"}]