Wrangell St. Elias National Park Visitor Information Centers

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Visitor Information Centers

Walk­ing down the main street of Ken­necott, you can’t miss the Nation­al Park Ser­vice vis­i­tor cen­ter on the left, housed in the his­toric gen­er­al store and post office.Stop in and learn about the his­to­ry: The sto­ry goes that when the last train left Ken­ni­cott in 1938, peo­ple had to sud­den­ly aban­don their lives with only a few hours of warn­ing. Until the 1970’s you could still come and stock up on beans, flour, and oth­er sta­ples left behind.You’ll…  ...more

In a nation­al park with some 13 mil­lion acres, decid­ing on a spot for the vis­i­tor cen­ter can’t be easy. But the Nation­al Park Ser­vice found a great loca­tion in Cop­per Cen­ter, where you can get infor­ma­tion on hik­ing trails, back­coun­try expe­di­tions, flight­see­ing, and guid­ing com­pa­nies, along with books, brochures, and a relief mod­el of the park’s moun­tain ranges

Dri­ving into McCarthy you’ll see a sign for the NPS kiosk on the left. This is a great place to get ori­ent­ed to the McCarthy and Ken­ni­cott area as well as make the most of your vis­it here. The infor­ma­tion kiosk is open dai­ly dur­ing the sum­mer and has friend­ly park rangers and vol­un­teers to answer ques­tions about the McCarthy and Ken­ni­cott area as well as give you infor­ma­tion about park­ing and shut­tle ser­vice. This is a also good place to use…  ...more

Owned and oper­at­ed by the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, this hall often hosts speak­ers, movies, potlucks, yoga, music, wed­dings, and oth­er com­mu­ni­ty events. You’ll like­ly see fly­ers around town about these events, which are usu­al­ly held for no charge (though they may request dona­tions). If there is some­thing going on dur­ing your vis­it to town, don’t be shy; it’s worth your while to find out what’s hap­pen­ing. And check in at the NPS vis­i­tor cen­ter to see  ...more

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