Wrangell St. Elias Nat’l Park Transportation

Getting Around

Road Guides

There are two roads into Wrangell St. Elias National Park. The McCarthy Road is a 60-mile gravel road to reach McCarthy / Kennicott. The Nabesna Road is on the North side of the park and has a few campgrounds along the way. Unlike the McCarthy Road, there's no town at the end

The dri­ve to McCarthy and Ken­ni­cott isn’t your run-of-the-mill road trip. It’s 7 – 8 hours from Anchor­age, with the last 61 miles-between Chiti­na and the Ken­ni­cott Riv­er-on an his­toric, grav­el road. Not all rental vehi­cles are allowed on the McCarthy road, so check with your rental agency before you travel.

Dri­ve down the 42-mile Nabesna Road for tremen­dous views to rival any road sys­tem in Alas­ka. The Wrangell, Men­tas­ta and Nut­zotin Moun­tains cre­ate a majes­tic panora­ma, char­ac­ter­ized by some of the high­est moun­tains in North Amer­i­ca. Nabesna Road is one of two that allows access to Alaska’s largest nation­al park, the Wrangell-St Elias Nation­al Park and Pre­serve. Ser­vices are lim­it­ed and road con­di­tions vary with the sea­sons, but there are plen­ty of  ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"}]

Air Taxi & Charters View All

Gain access to the park via a remote backcountry drop-off for backpacking or a float trip, or fly into McCarthy / Kennicott

Season: May 23 - Sep 15 $320+ 30 min to 2 hrs

If you want to get a true sense of the 13 mil­lion acres with­in Wrangell-St. Elias Nation­al Park — which has a mere 100 miles of road­ways — start with an aer­i­al view. Since 1992, Wrangell Moun­tain Air has been offer­ing safe and fas­ci­nat­ing tours of this remote king­dom, which boasts North Amer­i­ca’s largest assem­blage of glac­i­ers as well as its largest col­lec­tion of peaks above 16,000 feet. Choose from three main tours. 

Season: Year Round Flightseeing $350+ | Air Taxi $450+ One Way 1+ hrs

Year-round air ser­vice from Glen­nallen, Alas­ka. Short on time? Check Alaska’s largest nation­al park off your list with a flight­see­ing tour that includes a land­ing in the wilder­ness of the park. Trav­el­ing to McCarthy / Ken­ni­cott? Trav­el like the locals and hop on a mail plane flight. See how back­coun­try mail is deliv­ered and enjoy speedy trans­porta­tion to McCarthy. Or, opt for their sched­uled air ser­vice. Both have depar­tures from Anchor­age and  ...more

Alaska’s east­ern inte­ri­or promis­es high adven­ture in an area rel­a­tive­ly few vis­i­tors explore. Fly with Tok Air Ser­vice into this jaw-drop­ping won­der­land to vis­it Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Refuges: Wrangell-St. Elias, Tetlin, and Yukon-Charley Rivers. Land on a remote glac­i­er, see dra­mat­ic moun­tains up close, and watch for griz­zlies, sheep, moose and caribou.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"},{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"tok","title":"Tok"}]