Photo Credit: Gail Thorton

Wrangell St. Elias Nat’l Park Glacier Tours

Wrangell-St. Elias is home to some of Alaska’s most impressive glaciers, and the best way to experience them is on a guided tour.

Whether it’s trekking across a glacier or scaling an ice wall, these tours offer an exciting way to connect with Alaska’s rugged terrain.

The park’s remote location means you’ll be surrounded by untouched wilderness, with expert guides leading the way through breathtaking ice fields.

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Glacier Tours

Season: May 23 – Sept 7 $115+ per person 3 hrs - Full-day

A third of Wrangell — St. Elias Nation­al Park is cov­ered in glacial ice, mak­ing it one of the eas­i­est places to access a glac­i­er in Alas­ka. Strap on the pro­vid­ed cram­pons and explore the stun­ning fea­tures of the glac­i­er with expert guid­ance — rivers and water­falls, crevass­es and blue pools wait to be dis­cov­ered. Or, take on the chal­lenge of scal­ing the dra­mat­ic icy walls of a glac­i­er on an ice climb­ing trip.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $115+ 4 - 9 hrs

If you’ve nev­er walked on a glac­i­er, this is your chance. Going with expe­ri­enced guides, you’ll leave from Ken­ni­cott, hike two miles, and spend the next sev­er­al hours on the Root Glac­i­er, safe­ly explor­ing the blue ice, blue pool, canyons, and moulins of this extra­or­di­nary nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non. Choose a half- or full-day tour and learn all about nat­ur­al and human his­to­ry from your expert guides along the way. Or ramp up the excite­ment by going ice  ...more


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