Willow Points of Interest

Points of Interest

Every March, mush­ers and their canine teams speed across some 1,000 miles of frozen ter­rain — from the town of Wil­low to the north­ern city of Nome. And whether you’re a die-hard fan or a curi­ous trav­el­er, expe­ri­enc­ing the Idi­tar­od is not only a thrill, but also a way to get an insider’s look at Alaskan cul­ture and adventure.

Hatch­er Pass is known for its min­ing his­to­ry and scenic beau­ty. Most traf­fic reach­es the pass from the Palmer side. But the route from the Wil­low side” is just as pret­ty. It’s a lit­tle rougher around the edges, but eas­i­ly dri­vable in sum­mer by most vehi­cle types. Numer­ous pot­holes and hair­pin turns near the top of the pass require care­ful navigation.
