Valdez Visitor Information Centers

First time visiting Valdez? Or been before and want to discover something new? Check out these great sources for finding local hot spots and learning more about the area.

Valdez Visitor Center

Staffed by local employees, the center can provide brochures and maps, as well as an orientation to the town and suggestions for things to see and do.

USFS Crooked Creek Information Site

This small cabin is managed by the Forest Service, and you’ll pass it along the Richardson Highway just before reaching Valdez. Stop off for local information, as well as a viewing platform where you can spot spawning salmon—and sometimes bears—from July to October.

Alaska Avalanche Information Center

If you’re here in winter and want to enjoy winter sports in the Chugach Mountains, come here for avalanche forecasts, updates, and safety information.

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Visitor Information Centers

Oper­at­ed by the U.S. For­est Ser­vice and open only in sum­mer­time, it’s staffed by guides who can help you under­stand the area. There’s also a stream that runs thick with pink and chum salmon when they return each sum­mer to spawn. Thanks to a foot­bridge over the stream and the clear Alaskan water, it’s easy to see the fish. (The best view­ing is from mid-July through Octo­ber.) You may also see black bears, who come to feast on the fish.

Stuffed bears and musk ox: The Valdez Vis­i­tors Cen­ter serves up some unex­pect­ed exhibits, along with all the infor­ma­tion you need to know to have a great expe­ri­ence in town. The knowl­edge­able locals who staff the cen­ter can help answer ques­tions, hand out town maps and vis­i­tor guides, and direct you to the wealth of brochures on tour oper­a­tors and hotels.

The Alas­ka Avalanche Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter works to increase pub­lic aware­ness and safe­ty through avalanche edu­ca­tion, and the net­work­ing of avalanche pro­fes­sion­als. It is entire­ly run by vol­un­teers who are pas­sion­ate about the outdoors.
