Valdez Public Use Cabins

Take advantage of all the stunning nature surrounding Valdez by getting out into the wilderness and staying in one of the three public use cabins in Shoup Bay State Marine Park. If you’re looking to get remote, this is the way to do it: These cabins are accessible only by water taxi (45 minutes) or kayak (3 – 4 hours).

McAllister Cabin is the easiest of the three to reach—and bonus, it’s also the most secluded from the other two cabins, thanks to its position just outside the bay. The other two cabins—Moraine and Kittiwake—are a little trickier to reach: Because they sit inside the bay, your water taxi or kayak trip has to line up with the tides. That’s because when the tide is going out, it flows pretty fiercely, creating a moving river that can make it nearly impossible to paddle through. A boat can do it as long as it has a shallow draft.

While trickier to reach, Moraine and Kittiwake cabins have the advantage of being right on the bay. If you arrive by boat and bring kayaks, you can kayak around during your stay. And Kittiwake Cabin is fully wheelchair accessible upon reaching the boardwalk.

Public Use Cabins

Pub­lic use cab­ins are amaz­ing places to get away from it all in a rus­tic set­ting sur­round­ed by Alaskan nature, and Kit­ti­wake Cab­in is no dif­fer­ent. Plus, this remote loca­tion in Shoup Bay State marine Park has the added bonus of being wheel­chair accessible.

Set at the mouth of gor­geous Shoup Bay in Shoup Bay State Marine Park, McAl­lis­ter Cab­in is the eas­i­est of the three cab­ins in the state park to reach. Just get­ting here is an adven­ture; you can take a water taxi (avail­able in the Valdez Boat Har­bor) or rent a kayak to pad­dle out here yourself.

Set at the mouth of gor­geous Shoup Bay in Shoup Bay State Marine Park, McAl­lis­ter Cab­in is the eas­i­est of the three cab­ins in the state park to reach. Just get­ting here is an adven­ture; you can take a water taxi (avail­able in the Valdez Boat Har­bor) or rent a kayak to pad­dle out here yourself.

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