Tongass Nat’l Forest RV Parks & Campgrounds

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Tongass National Forest Campgrounds

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 $45+

Nalu means wave” in Hawai­ian, and the Glac­i­er Nalu Camp­ground Resort com­bines the stun­ning scenery of Alas­ka with the relaxed atmos­phere of Hawaii. Whether you’re trav­el­ing by RV or tent camp­ing, this spa­cious, 12.5‑acre park — sur­round­ed by large spruce trees with a creek run­ning through it — is per­fect for cou­ples or fam­i­lies who want to expe­ri­ence out­door living.

Petersburg’s For­est Ser­vice camp­ground is at Ohmer Creek, 22 miles out the Mitkof High­way. These are prim­i­tive sites with min­i­mal main­te­nance. There’s no water and no charge to stay. Campers should use bath­room facil­i­ties at near­by Blind Slough Recre­ation Area.

Hike or camp out at the Eagle Beach State Recre­ation Area locat­ed just 27 miles north of Juneau prop­er. There’s also a pic­nic area on the white sandy beach. This is a good loca­tion for beach comb­ing or bird and sea life watching. 

Set­tlers Cove State Recre­ation Site offers two of the best sandy beach­es to be found in the Ketchikan area and pro­vides pit toi­lets and shel­tered and unshel­tered pic­nic tables with fire grates. A camp­ground with eight camp­sites is avail­able as well and one pub­lic-use cab­in on the water that can be rented.

Day time rest stop only.

Locat­ed on For­est Ser­vice Road 2050, this dis­persed camp­ing area pro­vides two sites, each with a hard­ened tent site, a fire ring and a pic­nic table. The sites are with­in walk­ing dis­tance from Staney Creek where you’ll find excel­lent fish­ing. You can also explore miles of roads, excel­lent fish­ing on the creek and its trib­u­taries, hunt­ing, and great berry picking.

This is a very small enclosed CCC Adiron­dack shel­ter. It has a con­crete floor, and a 1930s fire­place. 2 sin­gle wood­en bunks, wood stove, table and bench­es, Cook­ing counter, broom, fire­place, axe and maul, wood, out­house, skiff with oars. The cab­in is in the cen­tral part of the island on the south­ern end of Has­sel­borg Lake at an ele­va­tion of 300ft (91 m).

There are 3 cov­ered pic­nic shel­ters locat­ed next to Sala­man­der Creek. Each has a pic­nic table and fire ring. A small sandy beach lies next to one of the shel­terss and swim­ming oppor­tu­ni­ties exist when the water lev­els are higher.

Shoe­mak­er Bay RV Park offers 25 sites for RVs and trail­ers, and tent camp­ing in a wood­ed spot near a creek. Restrooms, a fresh­wa­ter pump and a hold­ing tank dump­site for RVs is pro­vid­ed. It’s locat­ed about four miles far­ther south on the high­way from the water­front City Park tent camp­ing area.

This seclud­ed camp­ing area is named for the lake that one of the sites over­looks. The camp­ing area offers 2 hard­ened camp­sites, fire rings and pic­nic tables. 

The camp­ing area is a sin­gle occu­pan­cy site on Wrangell Island. Access is via a 700 foot grav­el path from the park­ing area on the road to a pleas­ant site over­look­ing Sala­man­der Creek.

[{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"tongass-national-forest","title":"Tongass National Forest"},{"slug":"ketchikan","title":"4 Days in Ketchikan"},{"slug":"angoon","title":"Angoon"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"}]