Photo Credit: Shakes Slough #2 Cabin

Tongass National Forest Public Use Cabins

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Public Use Cabins

12ft x 12ft Pan-Abode pre­cut cedar log cab­in with large cov­ered porch on North­ern Prince of Whales Island

4 sin­gle bunks. 16 air miles (25 km) or 30 water miles (48 km) from Peters­burg on the edge of the mud flats of Cas­tle Riv­er, on the west side of Dun­can Canal on Kupre­anof Island.

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This is a Pan Abode cab­in. The cab­in and flat beach are in full sun expo­sure. 20 minute float plane flight from Juneau.

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Sit­ed at the end of a hik­ing trail at 3,100 feet ele­va­tion, this six-per­son A‑frame cab­in is open to the adven­tur­ous year-round, offer­ing views of this alpine lake and the sur­round­ing moun­tain ridges. A stren­u­ous, 2.5‑mile trail leads to a spec­tac­u­lar over­look and to Devil’s Punch­bowl, a tarn nest­ed in a deep, rocky bowl.

The Har­le­quin Lake 14ft X 80ft shel­ter and is avail­able on a first come first serve basis. 

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Cab­in is cur­rent­ly in dis­re­pair and not avail­able for rent.

14′ x 18′ cab­in locat­ed 39 miles north of Juneau in Point Brid­get State Park. Go beach­comb­ing, wildlife view­ing, hik­ing, or boating.

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16′ x 16′ cab­in on south side of Lit­tle Dry Island on Stikine Riv­er tideflats

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This is a large A‑frame cab­in with a loft. The cab­in is about 12 mile (1 km) north of Don­key Bay in a pro­tect­ed cove with­in Pybus Bay on south­east Admi­ral­ty Island. Access is by float plane or boat. 

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12ft x 12ft Pan-Abode cedar log cab­in on Prince of Whales Island. 

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20ft x 20ft 2‑story Pan Abode cab­in. Main lev­el has sin­gle-wide bunk, table, bench­es, cook­ing counter, 2 entrances (front and back), large front deck. Stair­way to sec­ond lev­el open sleep­ing loft with two dou­ble-wide bunks, out­side bal­conies to front and back.

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A‑frame cab­in mod­i­fied with an extend­ed roof and an upright wall to form a bump-out. 2 dou­ble bunks sleep up to 6. Boat or float­plane from Peters­burg or Wrangell, then easy 12 mile walk from flats. 

12′ x 14′ cab­in in Misty Fiords Nation­al Mon­u­ment east of Ketchikan

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A‑frame cab­in rebuilt in 2005 – 2006. 18 air miles (29 km) from Peters­burg. Float plane when lake is open. Heli­copter when lake is frozen.

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The cab­in is on the west­ern shore of Church Bight, a small cove with­in Gam­bier Bay on south­east Admi­ral­ty Island.

This is a rec­tan­gu­lar log cab­in built in 1936. Two sleep­ing rooms are divid­ed from the wood stove and cook­ing area. Access is by float plane or canoe with portage. It is about a 45-minute flight from Juneau. 

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15′ x 12′ log chalet style cab­in with a deck.

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At a spec­tac­u­lar spot two miles from the Cana­di­an bor­der, this pub­lic use cab­in sleeps six and over­looks the main branch of the Skag­way Riv­er. The trail there leads to Laughton Creek and Laughton Glac­i­er. Moose, brown bears, and wild­flow­ers can be found in this sub­alpine forest.

12 foot x 14 foot hunter-style cab­in. The cab­in is 12 miles by float­plane or shal­low draft boat from Wrangell, or 7 miles from the boat ramp on the south end of Mitkof Island.

This 1622-ft pub­lic use cab­in offers access to both salt­wa­ter and fresh­wa­ter fish­ing, plus great scenic and wildlife view­ing. Locat­ed on the road sys­tem 27 miles south of Hoonah at Fresh­wa­ter Bay, this mod­ern, cedar cab­in sleeps eight and is heat­ed by a wood stove.

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16ft x 16ft (5m x 5m) A‑frame cab­in with sleep­ing loft, par­tial­ly cov­ered porch. 

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2 sto­ry log cab­in. 1‑hour float plane flight from Sit­ka or Juneau or by boat

14 foot x 16 foot (4.25 m x 5 m) hunter-style cab­in with half-loft for stor­age & small wrap-around deck

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12′ x 14′ Pan Abode style cab­in with cov­ered deck on front on west side of Sergief Island on Stikine Riv­er tideflats

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Adiron­dak style shel­ter designed for win­ter use.

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Reach­ing this moun­tain­top perch requires a steep, four-mile climb, but hik­ers are reward­ed with birds-eye view of the area from a rocky, alpine ledge. The only U.S. For­est Ser­vice cab­in on Mitkof Island’s road sys­tem, Raven’s Roost accom­mo­dates eight. 

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Vot­ed one of the Top 10 For­est Ser­vice cab­ins in South­east, this mod­i­fied A‑frame pub­lic use cab­in occu­pies a prime spot in the Stikine-LeCon­te Wilder­ness, over­look­ing the Stikine Riv­er delta. A short trail leads to LeCon­te Bay, where ice­bergs bro­ken off LeCon­te Glac­i­er can be spot­ted. It’s also a prime spot for watch­ing the spring shore­bird migration. 

16ft x 12ft Pan Abode style cab­in with 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, Table, Wood stove, Food cup­board, Axe, Cook­ing counter and shelves, Log book, Broom and dust­pan, Out­house, Wood sup­ply (rounds), 12-foot skiff with oars. Water is avail­able from the lake. Treat all water before using.

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Locat­ed 39 miles north of Juneau. Access by foot or boat in the sum­mer. Beach-comb, fish, look for wildlife, and more.

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This is a three-sided Adiron­dack shel­ter on the south­west­ern shore of Otstoia Island.

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Pan Abode cab­in on north end of Young Lake. It is about a 20-minute float plane flight from Juneau.

This is a restored Civil­ian Con­ser­va­tion Corps (CCC) log cab­in, 16′ x 20′. Access by 3 mile trail on Pio­neer Street off Cor­do­va Street, and at the end of Jack­son St. above Blue­ber­ry Hills sub­di­vi­sion in West Juneau.

Rus­tic style 12ft x 14ft Pan Abode cab­in. Main­land near the north­west bound­ary of Misty Fiords Nation­al Mon­u­ment Wilderness. 

North half of dou­ble A‑frame cab­in (14ft x 40ft) with­out win­dows 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, Table, 2 chairs, Fuel oil heater, Log book, Upper lev­el loft, Broom and dust­pan, 12ft x 12ft meat shed shared with Tanis Mesa South, Out­house, Wind­sock (15 MPH), Airstrip 1800ft x 50ft

This is a small dark A‑frame cab­in, about a 30-minute float­plane flight from Juneau

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Rus­tic 16ft x 20ft log cab­in ful­ly ADA acces­si­ble bunk on main lev­el. 15 minute dri­ve from down­town Sit­ka or 2 minute dri­ve from Alas­ka Marine High­way Sit­ka Fer­ry Terminal.

15ft x 18ft Pan Abode style cab­in with full sleep­ing loft reached by stair­case and a deck in front of the cab­in. 30-minute boat ride from Sit­ka. Heli­copter access pos­si­ble on beach at low­er tides.

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This is a log chalet style cab­in, 12 feet by 16 feet, locat­ed on the South shore of Eagle Lake

Although it takes some get­ting to, this wilder­ness, lake­side pub­lic use cab­in offers great sport­fish­ing and a skiff to pad­dle around in. This new cab­in is a 7 – 10 mile hike and four-mile pad­dle or skiff ride across Wrangell Nar­rows from down­town Peters­burg. It sleeps six.

Pan-Abode cab­in with cov­ered front porch

16ft x 16ft A‑frame cab­in with sleep­ing loft reached by a ver­ti­cal lad­der. 35 miles (56 km) south­east of Sit­ka and 5 miles (8 km) north­east of Whale Bay on the south­cen­tral por­tion of Bara­nof Island. 

This is a typ­i­cal Pan Abode cab­in on the North end of Jim’s Lake

This is a very small enclosed CCC Adiron­dack shel­ter. It has a con­crete floor, and a 1930s fire­place. 2 sin­gle wood­en bunks, wood stove, table and bench­es, Cook­ing counter, broom, fire­place, axe and maul, wood, out­house, skiff with oars. The cab­in is in the cen­tral part of the island on the south­ern end of Has­sel­borg Lake at an ele­va­tion of 300ft (91 m).

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Small hunter-style cab­in on north side of Dis­tin Lake. Access is by float plane or canoe with portage.

Hunter Style cab­in, 12 feet by 16 feet. Access by 4‑mile trail from Dan­ger­ous Riv­er Bridge at end of For­est High­way 10 or by boat on the Dan­ger­ous River.

South half of dou­ble A‑frame cab­in (14ft x 40ft). Acces­si­ble by wheeled aircraft. 

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Hunter style cab­in, 14 feet by 16 fee with 4 sin­gle wood­en bunks, 1 table, Oil heater, Food cup­board, Wind­sock (15 MPH), Log book, Broom and dust­pan, Cook­ing counter and shelves, Meat shed (12ft x 12ft), Out­house, Airstrip 1800ft x 50ft.

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This is a three-sided Adiron­dack shel­ter nes­tled in a stand of tall trees along the shoreline.

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This is a typ­i­cal Pan Abode cab­in. It has a nice over­look of the lake. Access is by float plane or canoe with portage. It is about a 45-minute flight from Juneau. By canoe and portage, it is 3.5 miles (5.6 km) from Mole Harbor.

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This U.S. For­est Ser­vice rental cab­in is accessed only by boat or float­plane and lies about 20 miles south­west of Hoonah on Fred­er­ick Sound. Locat­ed on a sun­ny patch of beach­front, the 15 by 17-foot cedar log struc­ture sleeps up to eight peo­ple and is heat­ed by a wood stove.

This A‑frame pub­lic use cab­in lies eight miles north­east of Wrangell on the Stikine Riv­er delta, one mile south of Point Roth­say and walk­ing dis­tance to the town’s famous gar­net deposits. It sleeps six. Guests must pro­vide fire­wood, bed­ding and cook­ing uten­sils. The gar­net out­crop­ping is owned by the Pres­by­ter­ian Church in Wrangell. 

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Pan Abode cab­in with a nice beach. It is about a 45-minute flight from Juneau. By canoe and portage, it is about 10 miles (16 km) from Mole Harbor.

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The cab­in is on the west side of Admi­ral­ty Island on the east end of Lake Flo­rence. Sleeps 6.   ...more

This mod­ern, spa­cious cab­in is locat­ed on the road sys­tem, 11 miles south of Wrangell on the Zimovia High­way. Open year-round, it sleeps 6 – 8 and meets ADA dis­abil­i­ty require­ments. There is access to Newt Lake where a skiff and oars are avail­able for use. 

You can’t get much clos­er to a rail­road­ing expe­ri­ence than sleep­ing in a caboose. Refur­bished as a pub­lic use cab­in in the 1960’s, this clas­sic trail car moth­balled by the White Pass and Yukon Route rail­road offers rus­tic ameni­ties with views of Skag­way River’s East Fork and Saw­tooth Mountains.

A‑frame cab­in with sleep­ing loft acces­si­ble by float­plane from Petersburg.

Mod­i­fied A‑frame cab­in. Float plane or boat from Peters­burg or Wrangell

12′ x 16′ cab­in that sleeps up to 6. Acces­si­ble via trail from Point Brid­get State Park.

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