Tenakee Springs Shopping

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TLC Man­age­ment LLC, or Tena­kee Log­ging Com­pa­ny pro­vides selec­tive and sus­tain­ably cut high qual­i­ty tim­ber for builders, luthiers, ship­wrights and artists in SE Alas­ka. And, they cut tim­ber to mill for build­ing projects in Tena­kee Springs. 

No bus­es come by the Tena­kee Bus Stop, just folks look­ing to trade a book or some cloth­ing at the take one, leave one” trad­ing shop. The Bus Stop name is an insider’s joke in this com­mu­ni­ty, where it takes just a few min­utes to walk wher­ev­er you need to go.

Tena­kee Springs Mar­ket opened as Sny­der Mer­can­tile in 1899. Over the years it’s been a main resource for res­i­dents and trav­el­ers. Today it’s con­sid­ered the best store in South­east Alas­ka, car­ry­ing a lit­tle bit of every­thing you’ll find in a large gro­cery, plus top shelf whiskeys, wines and beer from all over the globe. 

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