Tenakee Springs Fishing Charters

There’s great fishing in many parts of Southeast Alaska, but many prefer the 26-mile Tenakee Inlet for its protected waters and easy access to both fresh and saltwater fishing. (More than a dozen freshwater rivers drain into the Inlet, making it easy to fish for halibut and salmon in the same day.) The sheer number of salmon returning to their spawning streams – 750,000 – is mind-boggling. All five types of Pacific salmon, halibut and steelhead provide a variety of incredible fishing experiences.

You’ll want to book a charter with a local guide who can provide the best equipment and who has detailed knowledge of the waters and where the fish tend to bite. There are just two charter fishing outfits in Tenakee Springs, so book early for the best availability.


Fresh or Saltwater


Halibut and Rockfish

SaltwaterAll summer

King Salmon


Best in May and June
Coho, Chum, Pink SalmonSalt or freshwaterMid-July through September
SteelheadSalt or freshwaterEarly summer
Dolly VardenSalt or freshwaterJuly through September

Show Map

Fishing Charters

Pre­mi­um fish­ing for salmon and hal­ibut on the always calm waters of Tena­kee inlet. Whale watch­ing and bear view­ing. Excel­lent up close wildlife pho­to­graph­ic expe­ri­ences. Cap­tain Tuck Har­ry has over 40 years of expe­ri­ence in the wild. Kayak­ing is also avail­able. Com­plete packages.

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