Tenakee Springs Cabin & Vacation Rentals

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Cabin & Vacation Rentals

Small cab­in in down­town Tena­kee locat­ed right around the cor­ner from the Bath­house. A clean, com­fort­able qui­et place to stay offer­ing a king bed, a kitchen to do your own cook­ing: dish­es, pots, uten­sils pro­vid­ed along with cof­fee pot, toast­er, microwave and stove­top. Tow­els and soap are pro­vid­ed for your soak in the bathhouse.

Sea View Cot­tage is a turn-key, ful­ly fur­nished, split lev­el rental cab­in (500ft.sq heat­ed liv­ing space) with ful­ly equipped kitchen, potable water, wash­er dry­er, flush toi­let, upstairs bed­room w/​queen size bed (firm). Heat­ing is with an, easy, mod­ern Toyo oil stove and the cab­in has a large cov­ered deck. To sleep four, an addi­tion­al inflat­able queen size Cole­man mat­tress is pro­vide with an elec­tric pump.

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