Photo Credit: Alaska Kenai Adventures

Discover the finest fishing lodges in Soldotna, situated along the picturesque Kenai River. These premier lodges offer top-notch accommodations, delectable dining, and professional fishing guides for an unforgettable angling experience.

You can also add other adventures like a backcountry hike to your lodge itinerary.

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Soldotna Fishing Lodges

Season: June 15 - September 15 $2,299+ 4 nights / 3 days +

Locat­ed on the Kenai Riv­er, this inti­mate lodge offers seren­i­ty, stun­ning views, and pri­vate access to some of Alaska’s best fish­ing. All pack­ages include accom­mo­da­tions, 3 meals a day, pri­vate bank fish­ing at the lodge with pre­mier fish­ing gear, 50 pounds of on-site fish pro­cess­ing, and option­al char­ter fish­ing trips.


Fishing Lodge Itineraries

Season: Early June through early September
From $2585
5 Days
Land Package Type: Adventure Tours

The fol­low­ing is a 5 day, 4 night sam­ple itin­er­ary that seam­less­ly com­bines two nights at the Kenai River­side Lodge with two nights at Kenai Back­coun­try Lodge for a great trip that high­lights river­side and back­coun­try wild Alas­ka. Com­bi­na­tion pack­ages give guests the flex­i­bil­i­ty to choose trip dates between late May and mid-Sep­tem­ber from three to five days or more. 


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