Photo Credit: Kenai River Rafting

Soldonta Day Tours & Attractions

Experience the best of Soldotna with exciting day tours. Depart from wilderness lodges and enjoy thrilling fishing charters on the famous Kenai River. Take to the skies on mesmerizing flightseeing tours where you’ll witness breathtaking aerial views of the Kenai Mountains, Harding Icefield, and more. Or immerse yourself in nature with bear-viewing adventures and learn about homestead history at the Soldotna Homestead Museum.

Fishing Charters View All

Fish out of a lodge, take a char­ter, or cast your line on the famous Kenai River

$200+ 3-8 hours

Where can you find the biggest salmon, on aver­age, in the entire world? In the Kenai Riv­er. And The Riv­er Crew, based in Sol­dot­na, can take you to some secret spots on the famous riv­er to fish for salmon and trout — whether you’re an expe­ri­enced angler or not.


Flightseeing Tours View All

Glaciers • Volcanoes • Cook Inlet

Season: Year Round $299+ 1.25 hrs

Natron Air’s own­er and only pilot, Tim, can take you flight­see­ing to some of Alaska’s most beau­ti­ful places: the Hard­ing Ice­field and Mt. Redoubt Vol­cano. You can also opt for a bear-view­ing tour that includes a beach land­ing, where you can pho­to­graph bears in their nat­ur­al environment.


Bear Viewing Tours View All

2 hr drive from Anchorage. You’re closer to the hot spots, so the prices are lower

Season: May 25 - Sept 15 $575+ 2 to 3 hrs

Fly out of Sol­dot­na with Natron’s own­er and pilot, Tim. You’ll soar over the Cook Inlet towards Mt. Iliamna Vol­cano and land on a beach, right where the bears are. You’ll watch them play­ing and clam­ming and be close enough to take amaz­ing photos.


Visitor Information Centers View All

Visitor Information • Local History • Art Exhibits

This is the place to begin for infor­ma­tion about Sol­dot­na and the sur­round­ing area — every­thing from where to stay and eat to the per­fect activ­i­ties for your inter­ests. You can also pick up statewide vis­i­tor guides and oth­er pub­li­ca­tions, and enjoy their board­walk down to the Kenai River.


Museums & Cultural Centers View All

Visit the Soldotna Homestead Museum to see authentic

Home­steading is a huge part of Alaskan his­to­ry and the Alaskan expe­ri­ence; and to learn about how Sol­dot­na was home­stead­ed in 1947, this is the place to come. The muse­um itself is a his­toric vil­lage; the orig­i­nal log cab­ins were trans­port­ed here. Each has a motion-acti­vat­ed speak­er with nar­ra­tion on the sig­nif­i­cance of the build­ing, as well as sig­nage about the building.


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