Skagway City Sightseeing Tours

Experience the wonders of Skagway with a variety of sightseeing tours that showcase the region’s beauty—from scenic drives along the stunning coastline to private guided tours that showcase sights in the Yukon and British Columbia. Hop on the White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad for a breathtaking journey through picturesque landscapes. Take a helicopter tour to marvel at glaciers and waterfalls from above. Join a small-group tour to explore wildlife and nature up close. Whether you’re interested in nature and history or simply want to soak in the stunning scenery, Skagway’s sightseeing tours offer an unforgettable Alaskan adventure.

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City Sightseeing Tours

Season: May - September $104+ 2.5 - 6.5 hrs

With bald eagles, bears, and gor­geous scenery, as well as fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture and his­to­ry, these tours out of Skag­way and Haines offer an up-close expe­ri­ence with insights from knowl­edge­able local guides. There are sev­er­al options, includ­ing wildlife and nature tours that focus­es on find­ing and learn­ing about wildlife, a pho­tog­ra­phy tour where you get the chance to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, raft­ing, and some fun sight­see­ing tours  ...more

Season: May 1 - Oct 12 $60+ 4 hrs

Take the train out of Skag­way to some of Alaska’s best hik­ing. Not just any train, though, but a Gold Rush-era, nar­row-gauge train that winds through gor­geous scenery and drops you off at the trail­head. The White Pass & Yukon Route Rail­road winds through stun­ning scenery on its way to drop you off on hik­ing trails that offer water­fall, moun­tain, and glac­i­er views. It’s a fun way to gear up for a day or two of great hik­ing. The train is an  ...more

Private excursions, group rates for up to 14 passengers 3 - 7 hrs

Skag­way may be a quaint small town, but it offers a big lens into the Alas­ka fron­tier. This tour oper­a­tor — run by a cer­ti­fied Nat­u­ral­ist for the state of Alas­ka — offers a friend­ly and fas­ci­nat­ing way to explore some sur­pris­ing depths of the Alas­ka wilder­ness. Options include pri­vate tours rang­ing from 5 to 7 hours that explores the sights of British Colum­bia and the Yukon

Season: April 23 - October 15 $150 2.75 - 8 hrs

Ride the rails on a real gold-rush era, nar­row-gauge rail­road from Skag­way into the heart of the Yukon. On the White Pass & Yukon Route Rail­road, you’ll have sev­er­al trip options, tak­ing you past glacial rivers, water­falls, and gorges for a real taste of wild Alas­ka. You’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time on this authen­tic train, as you climb 3,000 feet to scenic vis­tas and past apt­ly-named spots named Inspi­ra­tion Point and Dead Horse  ...more
