Skagway Plays & Performances

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Plays & Performances

This West­ern melo­dra­ma ris­es above the stan­dard fare with a fast-paced crew of semi-pro­fes­sion­al actors and a script that tells Skagway’s true, out­law his­to­ry dur­ing the tumul­tuous days of the Klondike gold rush and Jef­fer­son Ran­dolph Soapy” Smith, the out­law and con man who is the town’s most infa­mous pioneer.

Bux­om Red Onion Madams in come-hith­er cos­tumes call out from their perch­es, while wait­ress­es in corsets and pet­ti­coats serve food and drinks: there’s no place in Alas­ka quite like the Red Onion Saloon, a bar, restau­rant & muse­um set in what was once a real bor­del­lo… The atmos­phere is live­ly and the tours are bawdy, fun, and flir­ta­tious — how else to run a tour of a broth­el muse­um? Plus, their bar and restau­rant is one of the most happening…  ...more
