Photo Credit: Liarsville Gold Rush Trail Camp & Salmon Bake

Skagway Dining & Nightlife

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Dining and Nightlife

At the Chilkoot Din­ing Room you’ll sam­ple a piece of Alas­ka Gold Rush his­to­ry. While enjoy­ing Skag­way’s finest steak and seafood, you’re able to take in E.A. Heg­g’s his­toric Gold Rush pho­tos. The friend­ly staff pro­vides great ser­vice and fla­vor­ful food that make the his­toric atmos­phere one to remem­ber. The menu varies with dai­ly spe­cials and mar­ket fresh offer­ings. Reser­va­tions are encouraged.

Season: Late April – early October $119 2 hrs

Walk the fine line between folk­lore and gold fever. The Liarsville Camp, near Skag­way, was orig­i­nal­ly named after jour­nal­ists who came here dur­ing the Klondike Gold Rush and cooked up all man­ner of tall tales. The event begins with an all-you-can-eat feast in the for­est. Then explore the old trail camp and fin­ish off your day with a vis­it the Fan­cy Goods store. You can also have your pic­ture tak­en with one of the dance hall girls or the camp’s  ...more


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