Sitka Wildlife Parks

Get a guaranteed opportunity to see Alaskan wildlife at Sitka’s wildlife centers. Year-round options include the Raptor Center, where you can experience up-close encounters with majestic birds of prey, including eagles, hawks, and owls. Witness captivating flying demonstrations and learn about the center’s rehabilitation efforts.

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Wildlife Parks

Season: Year Round $16

You’ll look eagles in the eye at this rap­tor rehab and edu­ca­tion cen­ter on the edge of Ton­gass Nation­al For­est. You’ll get a close-up look at a snowy owl, Amer­i­can kestrel, pere­grine fal­con, great-horned owl, red-tailed hawk, and even the tiny north­ern saw-whet owl. 

In the coastal South­east Alaskan town of Sit­ka, marine wildlife typ­i­cal­ly plays out on a big scenic back­drop. At Sitka’s unique Sci­ence Cen­ter, you’ll find a salmon hatch­ery and aquar­i­um. Wildlife fans get an up-close look at the marine crea­tures that make this part of Alas­ka so special.
