Photo Credit: Sitka Sound Science Center

Sitka Shore Excursions

Maximize your Alaska cruise experience with captivating shore excursions in Sitka. If you’re in port, take time to go sea kayaking, visit the Raptor Center for close encounters with majestic birds of prey, and drop by the Science Center, where you can explore a salmon hatchery and aquarium.

Shore Excursions

Season: June 15 – Oct 15 $175+ per person 2.5 hrs

Join Sit­ka Expe­di­tions for an inti­mate wildlife cruise on this 2.5‑hour trip to Sit­ka Sound. Spot whales, sea otters, and bears while explor­ing stun­ning Alaskan scenery and active fish­eries. Per­fect for cruise pas­sen­gers and families.

Season: April through September $425 per person 6-8 hours

Sit­ka Expe­di­tions offers 6‑hour out­ings, but can cus­tomize the tour to your cruise sched­ule. Fish, take in the moun­tain views, and look for wildlife. The unique ecosys­tem of the Sit­ka area attracts tons of fish. And, the company’s own­ers were both born and raised in Sit­ka and have been fish­ing these waters their whole lives. They have inside scoop on the best spots to cast your line!

$14.99 30-Minute Film

Wit­ness Sitka’s incred­i­ble wildlife on the big screen in this 30-minute film expe­ri­ence that reveals the unseen won­ders and secret con­nec­tions that make Sit­ka a world class des­ti­na­tion. Sitka’s Hid­den Won­ders” is shown exclu­sive­ly at the Col­i­se­um The­atre in Down­town Sitka.

Season: Last weekend of April first week of October $49+ 1-3 hrs

Take the tour of a life­time around the quaint town of Sit­ka with Sit­ka Walk­ing Tours. They offer hik­ing, walk­ing or dri­ving tours. Explore the his­toric Russ­ian down­town, the rain­for­est, and the scenic areas around town — you can even take a pho­tog­ra­phy-focused dri­ving tour. The 1- to 3‑hour tours are per­fect for those who want to expe­ri­ence Sit­ka like a local, in acces­si­ble tours led by local Sitkan guides.

Season: Year Round $16

You’ll look eagles in the eye at this rap­tor rehab and edu­ca­tion cen­ter on the edge of Ton­gass Nation­al For­est. You’ll get a close-up look at a snowy owl, Amer­i­can kestrel, pere­grine fal­con, great-horned owl, red-tailed hawk, and even the tiny north­ern saw-whet owl. 

In the coastal South­east Alaskan town of Sit­ka, marine wildlife typ­i­cal­ly plays out on a big scenic back­drop. At Sitka’s unique Sci­ence Cen­ter, you’ll find a salmon hatch­ery and aquar­i­um. Wildlife fans get an up-close look at the marine crea­tures that make this part of Alas­ka so special.

Season: Late April-early October $219 per person 3 hrs

Begin in down­town Sit­ka, where you’ll take a motor­ized, rigid-hull inflat­able on a 15- to 20-minute ride across beau­ti­ful Sit­ka Sound, with the mas­sive vol­cano Mt. Edge­cumbe pro­vid­ing a dra­mat­ic back­drop. Look for marine wildlife on your way to a unique float house in a small, pro­tect­ed bay where you’ll kayak across shim­mer­ing water.

Season: April to Sept $175+ 2 hrs - 5 Nights

Shim­mer­ing lakes, snow-capped peaks, water­falls, old-growth rain­for­est, and stun­ning views: Ton­gass Nation­al For­est is filled with gor­geous, remote spots that are icon­i­cal­ly Alaskan. And the best way to see them is on foot, dur­ing a pri­vate, per­son­al­ized hike with Ton­gass Treks, on the trails around Sit­ka. It’s an inti­mate, authen­tic expe­ri­ence with lots of amaz­ing pho­to ops! 
