Photo Credit: Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge

Where To Stay In Seward & Kenai Fjords

Hotels & Lodges View All

Season: Opens Feb 1 Call for rates

Hotel Seward brings Alaskan his­to­ry to life while serv­ing up stun­ning views and com­fort­able rooms. Found­ed in 1905, you can peruse its unique his­to­ry through dis­plays in the lob­by. There are room types for all trav­el­ers. The Alaskan wing fea­tures spa­cious rooms with an en-suite bath. The his­toric wing has Euro­pean style rooms with a shared bath.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $269+

Brand-new in 2021, this 74-room prop­er­ty with panoram­ic moun­tain views is a six-minute walk from the har­bor of Res­ur­rec­tion Bay mak­ing it easy to catch a day cruise or fish­ing char­ter. You’ll also be just a mile from downtown’s shops and restau­rants and you won’t even need a car for your stay here, thanks to a free shut­tle to and from the rail­road depot and cruise ship dock.

Season: May 14 – Sept Call for rates

The Hotel Edge­wa­ter is locat­ed on 5th Avenue, right in his­toric down­town Seward and just steps from the town’s great shops and restau­rants. You’ll also be with­in a 2‑minute walk of a the Alas­ka SeaL­ife Cen­ter, and right across the street you’ll find the Res­ur­rec­tion Bay water­front, fea­tur­ing walk­ing and bik­ing paths. Com­fort­able rooms look out on Mount Marathon, Res­ur­rec­tion Bay, or the city.

Season: Year Round $269+

Indeed, the Har­bor 360 Hotel has a pret­ty lit­er­al name: Locat­ed on Seward’s water­front, this 96 room hotel offers stun­ning 360-degree views: You’ll see the Seward Small Boat Har­bor and Res­ur­rec­tion Bay if you book a Har­bor­side room, or the Kenai Moun­tains if you book a Moun­tain­side room.

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Wilderness Lodges View All

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Take a pri­vate, 1‑hour boat ride to a pris­tine wilder­ness resort fea­tur­ing 8 com­fort­able, ful­ly-equipped water­front yurts (fea­tur­ing a queen-sized bed and dou­ble futon with all linens, plus pri­vate bath and kitchen with run­ning water) and expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka. Your stay includes full access to our sea kayaks, stand-up pad­dle boards, skiffs, snorkel gear and fish­ing gear, so you can expe­ri­ence the  ...more

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

$875+ / person, based on double occupancy 2 night minimum

This lodge offers a unique wilder­ness expe­ri­ence. Set on Fox Island, it is acces­si­ble only by boat from Seward, and is a true escape from civ­i­liza­tion. Kenai Fjords Wilder­ness Lodge has 8 cab­ins which do not have tele­vi­sions; the focus here is on nature. Go out on a nat­u­ral­ist-guid­ed walk, or take a kayak excur­sion and look for whales that swim right up to the shore. At the end of the day, enjoy the com­pa­ny of oth­ers around the campfire. 

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $1125+ all-inclusive packages

Locat­ed with­in a 1700 acre native-owned wildlife sanc­tu­ary in the heart of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, the cen­tral lodge and 16 guest cab­ins of Kenai Fjords Glac­i­er Lodge have full views of Ped­er­sen Glac­i­er and easy access to wildlife-view­ing adven­tures. The ele­gant­ly rus­tic lodge and seclud­ed guest cab­ins pair mod­ern com­fort and envi­ron­men­tal stewardship.

Season: July – Sept $1700 | $500 each additional night (Includes round-trip flight) 1+ nights

Take the 15-minute heli­copter ride from the inn’s sis­ter com­pa­ny, Marathon Heli­copters, out to this inti­mate one-bed­room yurt on the banks of gor­geous Bear Glac­i­er Lagoon, near Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park. Sur­round­ing you are huge ice­bergs, snow-dust­ed coastal peaks and pris­tine wilderness.

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Cabin Rentals View All

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Take a pri­vate, 1‑hour boat ride to a pris­tine wilder­ness resort fea­tur­ing 8 com­fort­able, ful­ly-equipped water­front yurts (fea­tur­ing a queen-sized bed and dou­ble futon with all linens, plus pri­vate bath and kitchen with run­ning water) and expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka. Your stay includes full access to our sea kayaks, stand-up pad­dle boards, skiffs, snorkel gear and fish­ing gear, so you can expe­ri­ence the  ...more

Season: July – Sept $1700 | $500 each additional night (Includes round-trip flight) 1+ nights

Take the 15-minute heli­copter ride from the inn’s sis­ter com­pa­ny, Marathon Heli­copters, out to this inti­mate one-bed­room yurt on the banks of gor­geous Bear Glac­i­er Lagoon, near Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park. Sur­round­ing you are huge ice­bergs, snow-dust­ed coastal peaks and pris­tine wilderness.

Season: Year Round $192+ per night winter, $342+ per night summer

Enjoy stun­ning views of the sur­round­ing for­est and Res­ur­rec­tion Bay from these A‑frame cab­ins and cot­tages. You’ll feel like you’re in remote Alas­ka but you’re just three miles from down­town Seward and all the near­by tours and activities.


Locat­ed just out­side Seward, the Abode Well Cab­ins are tucked back amidst four acres of trees. Of the 13 avail­able rooms, six are King Cab­ins (which includes a kitch­enette and sleeps up to three) and one is a fam­i­ly cab­in,” which has a full kitchen, sep­a­rate bed­rooms and sleeps up to eight with two queen beds, two twins, plus a queen-size sleep­er sofa. There are also six Queen Stu­dio Rooms avail­able, with sim­i­lar ameni­ties to the King Cabins.  ...more

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

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Bed & Breakfasts View All


Locat­ed just out­side Seward, the Abode Well Cab­ins are tucked back amidst four acres of trees. Of the 13 avail­able rooms, six are King Cab­ins (which includes a kitch­enette and sleeps up to three) and one is a fam­i­ly cab­in,” which has a full kitchen, sep­a­rate bed­rooms and sleeps up to eight with two queen beds, two twins, plus a queen-size sleep­er sofa. There are also six Queen Stu­dio Rooms avail­able, with sim­i­lar ameni­ties to the King Cabins.  ...more

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RV Parks & Campgrounds View All

Season: April 15 – Sept 29 Call for rates

Just 5 min­utes from down­town Seward is this full-ser­vice camp­ground set amid lush trees and tow­er­ing moun­tains, so close to Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er that you can hear it run by. Choose from one of the 68 sites or 4 cab­ins, and enjoy ameni­ties like a cen­tral bath­house, laun­dry, game room, and out­door games like mini golf, corn­hole, and two playgrounds.

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Public Use Cabins View All

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