Photo Credit: Smoke Shack

Seward & Kenai Fjords Dining and Nightlife

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Dining and Nightlife

Savor local craft beers, deli­cious food, and stun­ning water views. Inside, the cozy space fea­tures col­or­ful wood-planked walls adorned with nau­ti­cal stat­ues and bronze arti­facts from ships. A 16-foot glass garage door opens to a spa­cious out­door patio, com­plete with pic­nic tables and Adiron­dack chairs. Enjoy 16 taps of local brews and indulge in fla­vor­ful dish­es like miso black cod, house made crab dip, or one of their sig­na­ture burgers.

Qual­i­ty seafood din­ners with great views of the water (sit on the sec­ond floor if you can). It’s a toss-up between Ray’s and here, but there’s a slight­ly more diverse menu here. Bet­ter sal­ads and sides. It’s more casu­al too.

Over­look­ing the har­bor, ocean and moun­tains, Ray’s is a local insti­tu­tion for seafood din­ners. It’s pop­u­lar with both fish­er­men and tourists, who want a good meal with a great view. And since the fish­ing boats unload right there on the dock, the seafood could­n’t be fresh­er. They serve hal­ibut cheeks, red snap­per, cod and salmon. It’s good seafood, cooked well, but the sides are aver­age. The bar can get loud and crowd­ed, but the din­ing area is…  ...more

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