Seldovia Points of Interest

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Points of Interest

The Sel­dovia small boat har­bor is the hub of our com­mu­ni­ty. For many a man and woman of past gen­er­a­tions it was the gate­way into their future. The ear­ly set­tlers had no choice but to come by boat, and they did so, and in the years and decades to come they lived and worked out of the harbor.

Close to Anchor­age and endowed with abun­dant recre­ation­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, cen­tral Kenai is Alaska’s play­ground. Two high­ways, numer­ous trails, and sev­er­al major rivers slice through the spine of the Kenai Moun­tains. World-class fish­ing, hik­ing, riv­er raft­ing, and canoe­ing – plus alpine lakes and gold his­to­ry – make for an ide­al day trip or week-long vacation. 

Dis­cov­er the hid­den gem of Out­side Beach in Sel­dovia, a mile out­side town with breath­tak­ing views of Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, and the Pacif­ic Ring of Fire. Enjoy sum­mer activ­i­ties like pic­nics, bon­fires, fish­ing, and more. RV and tent camp­ing avail­able. Don’t miss the stun­ning mid­night sunsets!

There’s not much traf­fic. Kids are rid­ing bikes. Folks are relax­ing and chat­ting along the water­front. Peo­ple who vis­it Sel­dovia often say how walk­ing around here feels like step­ping back in time, and that’s espe­cial­ly the case on the his­toric Sel­dovia board­walk, which exudes a cer­tain Nor­man-Rock­well-esque pic­ture of idyl­lic life. Indeed, the board­walk is lit­er­al­ly a rem­nant of days gone by. Before the dev­as­tat­ing 1964 Alaskan earthquake,…  ...more

All of the freight, mate­ri­als, equip­ment and vehi­cles come in to Sel­dovia over” the City Dock. This is a deep water dock and the Alas­ka Marine High­way Fer­ries Tus­tu­me­na and Ken­ni­cott tie up here on a week­ly basis and pro­vide a link, a high­way if you will, to the rest of Alas­ka. Those of us that live here rely on this link and use the City Dock and the fer­ry as one in the low­er forty-eight states might use a coun­ty road to get to town. The ferry  ...more

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