Seldovia Day Tours & Attractions

Points of Interest View All

All of the freight, mate­ri­als, equip­ment and vehi­cles come in to Sel­dovia over” the City Dock. This is a deep water dock and the Alas­ka Marine High­way Fer­ries Tus­tu­me­na and Ken­ni­cott tie up here on a week­ly basis and pro­vide a link, a high­way if you will, to the rest of Alas­ka. Those of us that live here rely on this link and use the City Dock and the fer­ry as one in the low­er forty-eight states might use a coun­ty road to get to town. The ferry  ...more

There’s not much traf­fic. Kids are rid­ing bikes. Folks are relax­ing and chat­ting along the water­front. Peo­ple who vis­it Sel­dovia often say how walk­ing around here feels like step­ping back in time, and that’s espe­cial­ly the case on the his­toric Sel­dovia board­walk, which exudes a cer­tain Nor­man-Rock­well-esque pic­ture of idyl­lic life. Indeed, the board­walk is lit­er­al­ly a rem­nant of days gone by. Before the dev­as­tat­ing 1964 Alaskan earthquake,…  ...more

The Sel­dovia small boat har­bor is the hub of our com­mu­ni­ty. For many a man and woman of past gen­er­a­tions it was the gate­way into their future. The ear­ly set­tlers had no choice but to come by boat, and they did so, and in the years and decades to come they lived and worked out of the harbor.

Dis­cov­er the hid­den gem of Out­side Beach in Sel­dovia, a mile out­side town with breath­tak­ing views of Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, and the Pacif­ic Ring of Fire. Enjoy sum­mer activ­i­ties like pic­nics, bon­fires, fish­ing, and more. RV and tent camp­ing avail­able. Don’t miss the stun­ning mid­night sunsets!

Close to Anchor­age and endowed with abun­dant recre­ation­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, cen­tral Kenai is Alaska’s play­ground. Two high­ways, numer­ous trails, and sev­er­al major rivers slice through the spine of the Kenai Moun­tains. World-class fish­ing, hik­ing, riv­er raft­ing, and canoe­ing – plus alpine lakes and gold his­to­ry – make for an ide­al day trip or week-long vacation. 

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Fairs & Festivals View All

Music on the slough has become an annu­al event in Sel­dovia, Alas­ka. A home own­er on Seldovia’s icon­ic Slough sets up a band on their float­ing dock, and any­one can anchor up, pad­dle or watch from the bridge. It an awe­some boat and bridge par­ty, with excel­lent tunes pro­vid­ed by the band of the year. In true Alas­ka Style, the par­ty is tide depen­dent, so the date changes from year to year. 

Many peo­ple trav­el to Sel­dovia, across Kachemak Bay from Homer dur­ing sum­mer sol­stice for music, games, food, work­shops and fun dur­ing their three-day Sum­mer Sol­stice Music Fes­ti­val, a pop­u­lar out­ing spon­sored by the Sel­dovia Arts Coun­cil every year. Most events are staged in the Susan B. Eng­lish School audi­to­ri­um. There’s an open mic ses­sion for ear­ly arrivals Thurs­day evening and the main per­for­mances are Fri­day and Sat­ur­day. There are  ...more

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Museums & Cultural Centers View All

Take a step back into Seldovia’s past while learn­ing about the present at the Sel­dovia Muse­um & Vis­i­tor Cen­ter. Check out detailed exhibits on the cul­tur­al tra­di­tions and lega­cies of the Native peo­ples of the area, see inter­ac­tive wildlife exhibits and pick up free trav­el infor­ma­tion and maps.

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Fishing Charters View All

Reel in one of Kachemak Bay's world famous Halibut.
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Sea Kayaking Tours View All

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