Prince William Sound Transportation

The Alaska Marine Highway offers convenient ferry service between the communities of Whittier, Valdez, and Cordova—a scenic and unique way to access the sound. You could also fly from Anchorage to Valdez or Cordova. For more flexibility, consider renting a car and driving from Anchorage to Whittier, and putting your car on the ferry so you can drive when you reach your destination.. Keep in mind that Cordova is only accessible by air or sea, as there are no roads leading to the town.

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Getting Around

Season: Year Round Call for Rates

The team at Alas­ka Auto Rental offers rental cars for the most unique itin­er­ary: over grav­el high­ways, through win­ter weath­er, on one-way legs, or start­ing out from unusu­al loca­tions. It’s local­ly-owned, with employ­ees who know Alaska’s roads and their chal­lenges. You’ll get help­ful trav­el advice, a can-do atti­tude, and reli­able wheels.

For many Alaskans, trav­el by plane is essen­tial for work, get­ting to med­ical appoint­ments in the big city, or con­nect­ing with fam­i­ly in anoth­er part of the state. For vis­i­tors, plane trav­el helps max­i­mize their lim­it­ed time explor­ing the state, show­cas­es spec­tac­u­lar views of the land, and gives an authen­tic peek into Alaskans’ air-cen­tric lifestyle. Ravn Alaska’s net­work offers flights to major Alas­ka cities such as Anchor­age and Fairbanks,  ...more

Phone: 9074402847 Address: Lot 8 Small Boat Hbr, Whit­ti­er, AK Hours: Sun 8am — 5pm, Mon 8am — 8pm, Tue-Fri 8am — 5pm, Sat 8am — 8pm (Open May 15 — Sep 20)

Con­struc­tion of this ear­ly-1900s bridge cost a whop­ping (at the time) $1.4 mil­lion, which earned it the nick­name Mil­lion Dol­lar Bridge. But the bridge quick­ly earned its keep, allow­ing the rail­road to haul cop­per from Ken­ni­cott to the port of Cordova.
