Prince William Sound Kayak Campsites

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Sea Kayaking Trips

Fac­ing Beloit Glac­i­er, 17 Mile Lagoon and the near­by Eagle´s Nest beach­es are pop­u­lar beach­es for kayak­ing trips near­by the tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers. This point is easy to find as it lies just on the glac­i­er side of the very shal­low ter­mi­nal moraine of Beloit Glac­i­er on Willard Island.

A won­der­ful beach camp­site for a calm day. Sur­round­ed on two sides by the sea, this camp­site has beau­ti­ful views out to Nel­lie Juan-Col­lege Fjord and over to Per­ry and Knight Island. Large durable camp­ing area, but beware of high tides. Both beach­es are steep unless at low tide and could be used as a water taxi drop off location.

Hump­back whales com­mon­ly swim along the shore and you can hear them from your tent. With tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers, wildlife, and many scenic pad­dles in close prox­im­i­ty, Dual Head is a good base camp. Fresh water can be found on the North end of the beach.

A won­der­ful trea­sure for the pad­dlers want­i­ng to be in the mid­dle of Prince William Sound. This site is well pro­tect­ed between two halves of Olsen Island and has well estab­lished camp­ing spots for many tents in the for­est, and good trees for hang­ing food. The beach is steep and wide with oys­ter catch­ers patrolling the shore. Fresh­wa­ter is not on the island, but can be found in the adja­cent Olsen Cove or fur­ther west on the mainland.

Tip­ping Point, on North­west Per­ry Island, is a very accom­mo­dat­ing beach camp­site with excel­lent views out to Port Wells and Per­ry Pas­sage. There is fresh water, beach camp­ing for a few tents, and pos­si­bil­i­ties for hik­ing up on Per­ry Island.

A large, pop­u­lar beach for camp­ing and water taxi drop offs and pick ups. Only 17 miles from Whit­ti­er it is often a first or last camp spot for inter­me­di­ate pad­dlers with­out a water taxi. This beach pro­vides large durable camp­ing areas and fresh glacial streams in the vicinity.

A pop­u­lar drop off and pick­up beach for water taxi, how­ev­er camp­ing is not an option on this beach. Most peo­ple choose to pad­dle a short dis­tance towards the glac­i­ers for durable and lev­el camping.

Crafton Island will amaze every­one! Over­hang­ing cliffs and caves, green-blue waters, cob­bled beach­es, and fan­tas­tic views. You also get great expo­sure to Knight Island Pas­sage and greater Prince William Sound. Few beach­es are com­pa­ra­ble to those on Crafton Island.

This is a true jew­el at the end of Unakwik Inlet. Locat­ed just North­west of Mear­es Glac­i­er, this steep, sandy beach is about as close as a kayak dares to pad­dle towards an active tide­wa­ter glacier.

There is a small creek for fresh water, and wood­en walk­ways in the trees. Tent plat­forms are tucked up on the inside of a small spit of land, and the drop off beach faces due East on the oppo­site side of the spit.

This beach has all the ameni­ties of a per­fect kayak camp spot. A rag­ing riv­er splits the cob­ble beach in two, and a hang­ing glac­i­er pro­vides the per­fect back­ground for a few packed, grassy tent spots. With­in a morn­ing pad­dle dis­tance from Mear­es Glac­i­er, Bril­liant Beach is an excel­lent launch­ing point. The beach is safe from the high­est tides, and is long enough for mul­ti­ple par­ties to camp out. Since it is so far up the Unakwik Inlet,…  ...more

Pad­dle around a qui­et lagoon with the impres­sive Shoup Glac­i­er at one end and ice­bergs that have calved from the glac­i­er, mar­vel at the live­ly black-legged Kit­ti­wake Rook­ery, and take in the feel­ing of being some­where remote — even if you’re only 5 miles from town.

Cas­cade Bay, at the North­west end of Eaglek Bay, holds the trea­sure of the largest water­fall in Prince William Sound. There is no lack of fresh­wa­ter in the Bay, with anoth­er rea­son­able water source com­ing in just to the East of the Falls. Be pre­pared for the noise of the falls, and tons of jellyfish!

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