Prince William Sound Hotels & Lodges

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Hotels & Lodges

The Lodge is open no mat­ter what time of the year you are vis­it­ing Valdez.

Locat­ed on the top two floors of the 14-sto­ry Begich Tow­ers, June’s Whit­ti­er Con­do Suites have Whittier’s best views of the water, har­bor, moun­tains, and train sta­tion through their floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows. And even though you’ll be stay­ing in high-rise digs, the suites have a dis­tinct­ly homey feel, from the full kitchens to Alas­ka-themed rooms with Wi-Fi.

At the head of the Azure waters of the Prince William Sound, nes­tled beneath the Chugach Moun­tains is where you will find Moun­tain Sky Hotel & Suites.

Only a 5 minute walk from the Alas­ka Marine High­way Fer­ry Ter­mi­nal in beau­ti­ful Valdez, and a leisure­ly 20 minute stroll to local cafes, restau­rants, and bars.

The Best West­ern Valdez Har­bor Inn over­looks the Valdez boat har­bor on three sides.
