Petersburg Parks & Trails

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Parks & Trails

Difficulty: Difficult

The Peters­burg Moun­tain Trail is 3.6 miles long. It begins at the Kupre­anof State Dock and ends on the top of Peters­burg Moun­tain. The trail is open for the fol­low­ing uses: Hiking

Locat­ed on Sandy Beach Loop Road and 1.6 miles from down­town. The park offers three enclosed pic­nic shel­ters that can be rent­ed, restrooms and run­ning water. This beach­front park and pic­nic area also offers ves­tiges of the Native civ­i­liza­tion of the area, includ­ing rem­nants of an ancient fish trip and petroglyphs.

Difficulty: Difficult

Distance: 5 miles

This unique, E”-shaped trail sys­tem allows hik­ers to mean­der between three lakes and also con­nects to salt­wa­ter through a short con­nec­tor to Fred­er­ick Sound. There are trout in the lakes and row­boats are pro­vid­ed for pub­lic use. Deer, beavers, bears and some­times sand­hill cranes can be spot­ted here.
